뱀무 '보리시'-Geum Borisii'식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2012. 11. 28. 12:31
뱀무 '보리시' 과명 Rosaceae (장미과) 속명 Geum (뱀무속) 전체학명 Geum Borisii' 추천명 뱀무 '보리시' 이명 뱀무 외국명 avens Geum coccineum Sibth. & Sm. 1-foot stalks with intense orange-red, single flowers rise above the 6-inch-high mound of leaves. Use in rock gardens or in the front of borders. http://www.sunnygardens.com/garden_plants/geum/geum_1302.php Geum x borisii is a low-growing herbaceous perennial producing bright oran..