Thamnosma africana Engl.식물/들꽃-운향과(Rutaceae) 2023. 5. 9. 15:19
국표에 없다. Thamnosma is a genus of flowering plants in the rue family, Rutaceae. Plants in this genus are sometimes known by the common name desertrue. Selected species Thamnosma africana — Sandboegoe Thamnosma montana Torr. & Frém. — Turpentinebroom, Mohave desert rue Thamnosma socotrana Balf.f. Thamnosma somalensis Thulin Thamnosma texana (Gray) Torr. — Texas desert rue Thamnosma - Wikipedia Shru..
Amyris elemifera L.식물/들꽃-운향과(Rutaceae) 2023. 3. 1. 17:14
국표에 없다. Amyris elemifera is a species of flowering plant in the citrus family, Rutaceae. Its common names include sea torchwood, smooth torchwood, candlewood, sea amyris, tea, cuabilla, and bois chandelle. It is native to Florida in the United States, the Caribbean, and the Central American countries of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. It is also known from northern South America. T..
Ptelea trifoliata L.식물/들꽃-운향과(Rutaceae) 2022. 12. 13. 11:01
국표에 없다.Ptelea trifoliata, commonly known as common hoptree, wafer ash, stinking ash, and skunk bush, is a species of flowering plant in the citrus family (Rutaceae). It is native to North America, where it is found in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. It is a deciduous shrub or tree, with alternate, trifoliate leaves.Ptelea trifoliata is a small tree, or often a shrub of a few spreading ste..
Boronia Species식물/들꽃-운향과(Rutaceae) 2022. 11. 26. 17:52
국표에 없다. The plant belongs to the Rutaceae Family of Shrubs. The height is about 4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m) and needs a spacing of 4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m) for foliage and root extension. For a healthy growing, the sun exposure conditions are Light Shade and watering conditions are null. The soil PH should be around null. Prices of Boronia Species, Soft Boronia tend to vary widely depending on factors like t..
Boronia sp.-Boronia crenulata식물/들꽃-운향과(Rutaceae) 2022. 11. 24. 10:19
국표에 Boronia (보로니아속)은 3 종이다. 재배식물 정명 Boronia megastigma Nees ex Bartlett 보로니아 메가스티그마 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Boronia pinnata Sm. 보로니아 피나타 재배식물 정명 Boronia heterophylla F. Muell. 보로니아 헤테로필라 Order: Sapindales Family: Rutaceae Subfamily: Zanthoxyloideae Genus: Boronia Sm. Boronia is a genus of about 160 species of flowering plants in the citrus family Rutaceae. Most are endemic to Australia with a few spe..
Boronia pulchella Turcz식물/들꽃-운향과(Rutaceae) 2022. 11. 11. 13:12
국표에는 없다. Boronia pulchella, commonly known as the pink boronia, is a plant in the citrus family Rutaceae, and is endemic to a small area in the south-west of Western Australia. It is a slender shrub with rod-like stems, pinnate leaves and deep pink, four-petalled flowers. Boronia pulchella is a slender shrub with rod-like stems covered with short, soft hairs and that grows to a height of about 1..
Diosma hirsuta식물/들꽃-운향과(Rutaceae) 2022. 11. 10. 09:40
국표에 없다. Description Finely leafy, aromatic shrublet up to 50cm, resprouting from a woody underground stem. Leaves linear with a pointed tip (mucronate); flowers in compact racemes grouped in lax terminal heads, white, petals persisting below fruit. Greek: dios = excellent, mighty; osme = scent, odour: referring to aromatic scent of this species, particularly when leaves are crushed. Habitat Sans..
Adenandra uniflora (L.) Willd.식물/들꽃-운향과(Rutaceae) 2022. 11. 10. 08:26
국표에 없다. A dwarf evergreen shrub 1 to 2 ft high, its slender erect stems being thickly clothed with leaves, six to ten to the inch. Leaves linear, pointed, tapered to the short stalk, not toothed; 1⁄3 to 3⁄4 in. long, 1⁄8 in. or less wide; dark glossy green and smooth above, pale and dotted with translucent glands beneath; margins hairy, sometimes decurved. Flowers the size of half a crown, produ..