Hibiscus clayi O.Deg식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 12. 20. 14:04
국표에 없다.Hibiscus clayi O.Deg. & I.Deg. is an endemic shrub or small tree with bright red flowers, generally similar to H. kokio, and found in nature on Kauai in dry forests. It is listed as endangered by USFWS. Hawaiian tropical dry forests are a tropical dry broadleaf forest ecoregion in the Hawaiian Islands. They cover an area of 6,600 km2 (2,500 sq mi) on the leeward side of the main islands a..
Hibiscus brackenridgei A.Gray식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 12. 20. 13:48
Hibiscus brackenridgei A.Gray – maʻo hau hele ("hau most similar to maʻo") is a tall shrub (up to 10 m or 33 ft) with bright yellow flowers, closely related to the widespread H. divaricatus. Two subspecies are recognized: H. b. ssp. brackenridgei, a sprawling shrub to an erect tree found in dry forests and low shrublands at elevations of 400–2,600 ft (120–790 m) above sea level on Molokai, Lanai..
Hibiscus arnottianus A.Gray식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 12. 20. 13:33
국표에 없다.Hibiscus arnottianus is a shrub or small tree generally 8 meters in height, though a few individuals will grow to 10 meters tall. The leaves are mostly oval with a smooth upper surface and a lower surface with many to no hairs. Leaf margins or edges are smooth or have spreading pointed teeth near the leaf tip. The leaves are 4 to 10 centimeters long and often have red veins and stems. The..
Hibiscus coulteri Harv. ex A.Gray식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 12. 13. 09:46
국표에 없다.Hibiscus coulteri, is well-adapted to dry desert environments. It has hairy-like leaves that help conserve water, and its yellow flowers, which have reddish centers, bloom mainly after rain. These species are very important when it comes to being pollinators during dry periods. Although having a short life, Hibiscus coulteri is great for landscapes with dry areas because it can grow with ..
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 12. 7. 09:46
국표에는 없다.Ceiba pentandra is a tropical tree of the order Malvales and the family Malvaceae (previously emplaced in the family Bombacaceae), native to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, northern South America, and (as the variety C. pentandra var guineensis) West Africa. A somewhat smaller variety has been introduced to South and Southeast Asia, where it is cultivated.The tree and the cott..
Malachra capitata (L.) L.식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 11. 22. 19:35
국표에 없다.SummaryHerbDr. Chandra Barooah & Iftikher Ahmed (2014) Assam Science Technology and Environment Council. Malachra species are annual, perennial herbs or undershrubs. Leaves simple, alternate, palmilobed or palmiparted. Fruits schizocarps.Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India. Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India. Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network..
Pterospermum reticulatum Wight & Arn.식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 11. 22. 12:14
국표에 없다.Pterospermum reticulatum is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae. It is found only in India. It is threatened by habitat loss. Pterospermum reticulatum - Wikipedia HabitTrees up to 20 m tall.Trunk\barkBark greyish brown with longitudinally arraned lenticels; blaze red.BranchletsYoung branchlets slender, terete, densely white tomentose and stellate hairy.LeavesLeaves simple..
Hibiscus hispidissimus Griff.식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 11. 21. 12:55
국표에 없다.Hibiscus hispidissimus is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae. It is found in South East Asia.DescriptionHabit: Rambling shrubsG. Renu, Sanjana Julias Thilakar, D. Narasimhan, Centre for Floristic Research, Department of Botany, Madras Christian College, Tambaram Rambling or climbing shrubs; stems, petioles and pedicels armed with recurved prickles, often intermingled wit..