
  • Pterospermum reticulatum Wight & Arn.
    식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2024. 11. 22. 12:14

    국표에 없다.

    Pterospermum reticulatum is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae. It is found only in India. It is threatened by habitat loss.

    Pterospermum reticulatum - Wikipedia


    Trees up to 20 m tall.


    Bark greyish brown with longitudinally arraned lenticels; blaze red.


    Young branchlets slender, terete, densely white tomentose and stellate hairy.


    Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; stipule lateral, caducous; petiole ca. 0.7 cm long, terete, stellate tomentose when young, later glabrous; lamina 5-14.5 x 2.5-7.5 cm, oblong, obovate or pandurate and irregularly toothed or lobed towards apex, apex acuminate, base asymmetric to cordate to obtuse, margin entire, white tomentose and stellate hairy beneath, coriaceous; 3-5-nerved at base; midrib canaliculate above; secondary nerves 5-6 pairs, prominent beneath; tertiary nerves strong and obliquely percurrent.


    Flowers white, in terminal or axillary fascicles, solitary; bracteoles laciniate; pedicel 0.3 cm long.

    Fruit& seed

    Capsule, brown, 5-angled and 5-valved, stellately pubescent; seeds 4 in each cell, winged at one end.

    Trees, to 18 m high, bark 10-15 mm thick, brown mottled with green, smooth, exfoliations thin, fibrous; blaze pink-red. Leaves simple, alternate, bifarious; stipules free, lateral, cauducous; petiole 7-10 mm long, stout, tomentose; lamina 8-15 x 4-10 cm, oblong, obovate or panduriform, base obtuse, cordate, or oblique, apex acuminate, margin entire except for the dentate tip, glabrous above, cream coloured mealy tomentose with darker minute stellate hairs beneath, coriaceous; 3-5-ribbed from base, palmate, prominent, lateral nerves 5-6 pairs, pinnate, prominent, intercostae scalariform, prominent. Flowers bisexual, white, in terminal or axillary fascicles; bracteoles laciniate; calyx tubular, 5-partite; lobes lanceolate, recurved on opening, white silky within; petals 5, 2.5 cm long, obovate-oblong, spreading, smaller than calyx, deciduous; staminal column adnate to the gynophore, bearing 5 groups of 3 stamens each between staminodes; staminodes filiform; ovary superior, hairy, placed at the tip of gynophore, 5-celled, ovules 6 in each cell; stigma simple. Fruit a capsule 5-7.5 x 3-3.7 cm, obtusely angled, hard, 5 valved, brown stellate pubescent outside; seeds 4 in each cell, prominently veined, dark brown; wing papery, oblique, falcate.



    Pterospermum reticulatum Wight & Arn. | Species (indiabiodiversity.org)



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