Dasylirion parryanum Trel.식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2024. 9. 23. 13:25
국표에 없다.Dasylirion parryanum bildet einen Stamm bis 100 cm Höhe, der manchmal verzweigt ist. Die steifen, gedrehten, variablen, angerauten, warzigen, bläulich bis grünen dichten Laubblätter sind 50 bis 70 cm lang und 8 bis 13 mm breit. Die unregelmäßig angeordneten gelben Randdornen sind nach oben gerichtet. Die buschigen/faserigen weißen bis grauen Spitzen sind unregelmäßig ausgebreitet. Der ris..
Beschorneria rigida Rose식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2024. 9. 23. 13:12
국표에 없다.Each of the ten Beschorneria species originate in Mexico, but their ranges vary considerably. Beschorneria rigida is naturally found in the understory of highland oak and pine forests from 6,000 to 8,000 feet elevation in the states of Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, and Tamaulipas in central Mexico. They attract, and are pollinated by, hummingbirds.All species of Beschorneria form rosettes ..
Nolina longifolia (Karw. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Hemsl.식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2024. 3. 2. 15:00
국표에는 없다.Origin and Habitat: Nolina longifoliaSN|33535]]SN|33535]] is found in Mexico in the states of Oaxaca and Puebla. Type from San Jose del Oro.Altitude range: 800 to 900 metres above sea level.Habitat and ecology: In grows in open seasonally dry forest. It is associated with Dasylirion species.Synonyms:Nolina longifolia (Karw. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Hemsl. Beaucarnea longifolia (Karw. ex ..
Eriospermum paradoxum(Jacq.) Ker Gawl.식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2023. 12. 6. 18:42
국표에 없다. J. S. African Bot. 50: 518 (1984) This name is reported by Asparagaceae as an accepted name in the genus Eriospermum (family Asparagaceae). The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2022-04-18) which reports it as an accepted name Angiosperms Asparagales Link Asparagaceae Juss. Eriospermum Jacq. ex Willd. Eriospermum flabellatum Marloth ex P.L.Perry [A].Asparagaceae [B].Vahliaceae E..
Ruscus hypoglossum L.식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2023. 9. 17. 16:08
신기한 식물 ‘히포글로숨루스쿠스’ (kbs.co.kr) 신기한 식물 ‘히포글로숨루스쿠스’ KBS 뉴스 news.kbs.co.kr 잎위에 꽃피는 신기한 식물 히포글로숨루스쿠스 | 한국경제 (hankyung.com) 잎위에 꽃피는 신기한 식물 '히포글로숨루스쿠스' 잎위에 꽃피는 신기한 식물 '히포글로숨루스쿠스' , 사회 www.hankyung.com 천리포수목원에 핀 신기한 꽃 | 연합뉴스 (yna.co.kr) 천리포수목원에 핀 신기한 꽃 | 연합뉴스 (태안=연합뉴스) 충남 태안 천리포수목원에 신기한 형태의 식물이 꽃을 피워 탐방객들의 눈길을 끌고 있다. www.yna.co.kr Ruscus hypoglossum is a small evergreen shrub with a native range from I..
Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers'식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2023. 6. 27. 10:27
국표에는 Asparagus (비짜루속)이 3 종이다. 재배식물 정명 Asparagus densiflorus 'Mazeppa' 덴시플로루스아스파라거스 '마제파' 2019/04/03 재배식물 정명 Asparagus densiflorus 'Myriocladus' 덴시플로루스아스파라거스 '미리오클라두스' 2019/04/03 재배식물 정명 Asparagus densiflorus Sprengeri Group 덴시플로루스아스파라거스 스프렝게리 그룹 2019/04/03 Common Name: asparagus fern Type: Herbaceous perennial Family: Asparagaceae Zone: 9 to 11 Height: 1.00 to 3.00 feet Spread: 3.00 to 4.00 feet..
Androstephium breviflorumS.Watson식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2023. 6. 22. 10:20
국표에는 없다. Androstephium breviflorum is a species of flowering plant known by the common name pink funnel lily. It is native to the southwestern United States from Wyoming to the deserts of eastern California. This is a perennial herb growing from a spherical corm. Its inflorescence is a peduncle up to 30 centimeters tall containing up to 12 white to light lavender funnel-shaped flowers each one o..
Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. ex A.Gray식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2023. 6. 18. 13:34
국표에 없다. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 4: 110 (1837) This name is reported by Asparagaceae as an accepted name in the genus Leucocrinum (family Asparagaceae). The record derives from WCSP which reports it as an accepted name (record 280655) 아스파라거스과로 Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. ex A.Gray. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-000068464..