텔리마 그란디플로라-Tellima grandiflora R.Br.식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2022. 11. 2. 16:41
추천명변경: 그란디플로라텔리마 -> 텔리마 그란디플로라 Common Name: fringe cup Type: Herbaceous perennial Family: Saxifragaceae Native Range: Western North America Zone: 4 to 7 Height: 1.00 to 2.00 feet Spread: 1.00 to 2.00 feet Bloom Time: April to May Bloom Description: White or pink Sun: Part shade Water: Medium Maintenance: Low Suggested Use: Naturalize Flower: Showy Culture Best grown in medium moisture, moisture ..
Bergenia 'Miss Piggy'식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2022. 10. 8. 14:25
국표에는 없다. Dark Green Foliage, Large Flower Clusters, Great Spring Color (Pigsqueak) Add a mass of fantastic spring color to your woodland shade garden with Bergenia ‘Miss Piggy’. This full sun to full shade loving Pigsqueak features extra-large, thick, dark green foliage that is evergreen year-round. Standing 16 – 18 inches tall and spreading up to 32 inches wide, ‘Miss Piggy’ makes a great groun..
Heuchera DOLCE® 'Toffee Tart'식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2022. 10. 8. 11:57
Common Name: Coral Bells It's time to welcome a brand new color to the Proven Winners® Heuchera collection! Just like its name, 'Toffee Tart' displays differing shades of ginger caramel throughout the seasons. In spring, newest leaves are amber with a silver overlay. Mature leaves are ginger color with silver overlay. In late summer, leaves mature to green. Since it's a lighter leaf color, we re..
Hydrangea hybrida bloombuster식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2022. 8. 27. 17:19
GROW by OBI hydrangea "Bloombuster" (Hydrangea Hybride) is a new, very decorative and robust hydrangea. It is easy to cut and is guaranteed to attract attention in your garden or balcony. Hydrangea with lush flowers and compact growth A new kind of hydrangea Bloombuster with its compact stature and fresh green leaves is ideal as a container plant for small gardens, terraces and balconies. From J..
매화공목식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2022. 7. 7. 15:47
Philadelphus coronarius Philadelphus coronarius (sweet mock orange, English dogwood) is a species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangaceae, native to Southern Europe. It is a deciduous shrub growing to 3 m (10 ft) tall by 2.5 m (8 ft) wide, with toothed leaves and bowl-shaped white flowers with prominent stamens. In the species the blooms are abundant and very fragrant, but less so in the c..
돌부채-Bergenia cordifolia (Haw.) Sternb식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2022. 6. 2. 17:47
과명 Saxifragaceae (범의귀과) 속명 Bergenia (돌부채속) 전체학명 [정명] Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch 추천명 돌부채 이명 바위부채 외국명 Korean elephant-ear 꽃색 분포 러시아 / 평안북도 노봉 해발 2,200m근처에 난다. 형태 여러해살이풀 생육환경 함경남도와 평안북도의 높은 산 바위지대 잎 잎은 모여나기하며, 근생엽은 타원형 또는 주걱상 타원형이고 길이 5-8cm, 폭 3-5cm로서 끝이 둥글며 가장자리에 희미한 톱니가 있고 양면에 털이 없으며 엽병은 길이 3-5cm로서 날개가 있다. 꽃 돌단풍같은 꽃차례가 중앙부에서 자라고 높이 25cm에 달하며 털이 없고 끝에 6-7개의 꽃이 총상으로 달리며 꽃자루는 위로 갈수록 짧아지고 선점이 ..
Hydrangea 'Mariesii Perfecta'식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2022. 3. 28. 18:06
hydrangea 'Mariesii Perfecta' 'Mariesii Perfecta' is a small deciduous shrub with rather glossy, light green leaves. Lace-cap flower-heads with blue fertile flowers surrounded by large, blue or pink ray florets SynonymsHydrangea 'Blue Wave' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Wave' Genus Hydrangea can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs, or self-clinging climbers, with flowers in clusters usually comprisin..
Bergenia 'Eric Smith'-에릭 스미스 돌부채식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2022. 1. 30. 15:45
이 이름으로는 국표에 없다. elephant's ears 'Eric Smith' 'Eric Smith' is outstanding for its winter leaf colour if not damaged by heavy frost. The crinkled leaves are bronze-tinted above, carmine-red below, held upright, becoming dark red in winter. Purplish-pink flowers may hide under leaves Bergenia &s;Eric Smith&s; | elephant&s;s ears &s;Eric Smith&s; Herbaceous Perennial/RHS Gardening Bergenia 'Eric Smi..