산괭이눈-[정명] Chrysosplenium japonicum (Maxim.) Makino식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2024. 9. 9. 20:38
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Saxifragaceae (범의귀과) 속명Chrysosplenium (괭이눈속)전체학명[정명] Chrysosplenium japonicum (Maxim.) Makino추천명산괭이눈비추천명괭이눈,산괭이눈풀,살괭이눈외국명Mountain golden saxifrage, ヤマネコノメソウ분포경기도 수원 이북에서 자란다. 일본, 중국 만주 남부 등 / 우리나라 경기도, 강원특별자치도, 충청북도, 경상북도, 제주특별자치도, 북부지방 등에 분포생육환경산지의 물가나 습지에서 자란다.생육형여러해살이풀크기꽃대는 길이 10-15cm잎근생엽은 3-4개이고 둥글며 심장저이고 길이 5-20mm, 폭 8-30mm로서 가장자리에 둔한 톱니가 있으며 엽병이 길며 표면에 털이 있다.꽃꽃대는 길이 10-15c..
사술괭이눈-[정명] Chrysosplenium japonicum (Maxim.) Makino f. tetrandrum H.Hara식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2024. 9. 9. 20:35
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Saxifragaceae (범의귀과) 속명Chrysosplenium (괭이눈속)전체학명[정명] Chrysosplenium japonicum (Maxim.) Makino f. tetrandrum H.Hara 추천명사술괭이눈 영문명Northern golden saxifrage 괭이눈속 식물들 비교 : 가지괭이눈, 괭이눈, 누른괭이눈, 바위괭이눈, 산괭이눈, 선괭이눈, 시베리아괭이눈, 애기괭이눈, 천마괭이눈, 털괭이눈, 흰털괭이눈, 기는괭이눈, 가지털괭이눈, 천지.. (tistory.com) GROWTH FORMMat-forming herb with extensively branched, thin, white rhizomes and also above-ground stol..
Chrysosplenium grayanum var. atrandrum식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2024. 9. 9. 20:05
국표에 없다.Chrysosplenium grayanum var. atrandrum, also known as ヨゴレネコノメ in Japanese, is a variety of plant within the Saxifragaceae family, commonly referred to as the saxifrage or rockfoil family. It seems to be a subject of interest in botanical studies and nature observations in East Asia. Unfortunately, detailed information in English is limited. ヨゴレネコノメ - 野山に自然に咲く花のページ (hanasanpo.org) 日本固有種ヨゴレ..
Chrysosplenium album Maxim. var. album식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2024. 9. 7. 10:18
국표에 없다.シロバナネコノメソウ(白花猫の目草、学名:Chrysosplenium album)は、ユキノシタ科ネコノメソウ属の多年草。特徴根出葉は花時には枯れている。走出枝は地上性で、花後に伸長し、白色の軟毛が密生し、葉が対生する。植物体全体に白軟毛が多い。葉身は長さ2-10mm、幅3-16mmになる扇状円形から円腎形で、基部は鈍形またはくさび形となり、上縁には5-9個の半円状の鋸歯がある。葉柄は長さ0.3-3cmになる。花茎はふつう高さ5-10cmになり、暗紫色をおび、白色の軟毛が生える。茎葉は1-2対が対生する。花期は4-5月。花の径は3-5mm、花柄は長さ1-4mmになる。萼裂片は4個で花時に直立し、長さは3-5mm、長卵形で先端は鋭形になり、花時に白色であるが花後に淡緑色に変わる。花弁は無い。雄蕊は8個あり、萼裂片と同じ長さか、またはやや長く、花時に直立する。裂開直前の葯は..
용수국-[정명] Hydrangea involucrata Siebold식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2024. 9. 6. 12:54
과명Engler- Saxifragaceae (범의귀과)APG Ⅳ- Hydrangeaceae (수국과) 속명Hydrangea (수국속)전체학명[정명] Hydrangea involucrata Siebold추천명용수국추천명변경: 인볼루크라타수국 -> 용수국 Hydrangea involucrata is a species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae, native to Japan and Taiwan. It is a deciduous shrub growing to 1 m (3 ft) tall by 2 m (7 ft) broad, with oval leaves and clusters of blue or pink flowers in late summer.The L..
Saxifraga nipponica Makino식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2024. 9. 5. 13:54
국표에 없다.It is distributed in a limited area from the Honshu and Kanto regions of Japan to the region. It grows in moist places such as along mountain valleys and rocky areas. The leaves are round, green throughout, covered with white glandular hairs. Around April-May, the flower stalks are stretched and small white flowers bloom. At the base there is a yellow pattern.It is a perennial herb of the..
Hydrangea serrata var. megacarpa식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2024. 9. 4. 09:21
국표에 없다.Siberian hydrangea or the Ezo hydrangea (scientific name: Hydrangea serrata var. megacarpa) is a variety of the mountain hydrangea (Hydrangea serrata), native to Japan. It grows naturally in snow-covered areas in Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, and the Korean Peninsula. The petiolate leaves are 10 to 17 cm long and elliptic, with sharp serrations on the leaf margins. From May to August, flowe..
Parnassia foliosa var. nummularia식물/들꽃-범의귀과(Saxifragaceae) 2024. 8. 28. 14:44
국표에 없다.Shirahigesou(scientific name: Parnassia foliosa var. nummularia) is a perennial grass of Parnassus, Department of parnassia species native to Japan. From the late summer in early autumn, at the tip of the stalk white five bloom flower of the valve.Large green leaves, Pentagon and coarse serrations to palmately lobed, and man.The origin of the name depends on the white petal tip of beard o..