Ungnadia speciosa Endl.식물/들꽃-무환자나무과(Sapindaceae) 2022. 11. 30. 14:42
국표에 없다. Ungnadia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Sapindaceae containing one species, Ungnadia speciosa, the Mexican buckeye. It is native to northern Mexico, as well as Texas and southern New Mexico in the United States. The name honours Austrian ambassador Baron David von Ungnad, who brought the horse chestnut to Vienna in 1576, introducing the plant into western Europe. It differs..
Ungnadia speciosaEndl.식물/들꽃-무환자나무과(Sapindaceae) 2022. 10. 28. 11:35
국표에 없다. Ungnadia speciosa, Mexican buckeye, is a small, multi-stemmed tree with dense branching that does well in dry soil with partial to full sun. Fragrant purple and pink flowers bloom in spring, fruit is ornamental in the summer and foliage becomes light yellow in fall. Mexican Buckeye | Ungnadia speciosa | UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden https://youtu.be/yxLTh8mAGxk
Erythrophysa alata식물/들꽃-무환자나무과(Sapindaceae) 2022. 10. 27. 11:44
국표에 없다. Origin: South Africa, Namibia This member of the Sapindaceae family was described by Hutchinson in 1932. It is found in the Cape province of South Africa and Namibia, growing in well-drained soil with little to some water and lots of sun. It can grow up to 15 ft, the flowers are green and red, very attractive 3-lobed inflated red seed capsule, and it can only be reproduced by seeds. Eryt..
Serjania sinuata Schum.-Urvillea ulmaceaKunth in H.B.K.식물/들꽃-무환자나무과(Sapindaceae) 2022. 10. 26. 13:55
두 학명 다 국표에는 없다. Serjania sinuata Schum. Synonyms 1.Urvillea ulmacea - Wikispecies (wikimedia.org) 2.Urvillea ulmacea Kunth (gbif.org) Urvillea ulmacea Kunth Urvillea ulmacea Kunth in H.B.K. Urvillea ulmacea is a plant species in the genus Urvillea found in French Guiana and in the Caatinga region of Brazil. Urvillea ulmacea - Wikipedia KingdomSubkingdomSuperdivisionDivisionClassSubclassOrderFami..
모감주나무-[정명] Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.식물/들꽃-무환자나무과(Sapindaceae) 2013. 7. 26. 00:31
모감주나무 모감주나무과명 Engler- APG Ⅳ-Sapindaceae (무환자나무과) 속명Koelreuteria (모감주나무속) 전체학명Koelreuteria paniculata Laxmann 추천명모감주나무이명염주나무 외국명 모감주나무 모감주나무의 아름다운 꽃이 지고나면 이어서 귀여운 세모꼴의 초롱 모양 열매가 달린다. 안에는 굵은 콩알 크기의 윤기가 자르르한 까만 종자가 들어있다. 이 종자는 완전히 익으면 돌처럼 단단해져 망치로 두들겨야 깨질 정도다. 만질수록 반질반질해지므로 고급 염주의 재료로 안성맞춤이다. 그래서 모감주란 이름은 묘감..