Schefflera abyssinica (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Harms식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2025. 3. 2. 10:56
국표에 없다.
Schefflera abyssinica
(Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Harms
Several recent phylogenetic studies have shown that Schefflera is clearly polyphyletic, and that the Asian species belong to a single, well-supported, morphologically coherent clade. The name Schefflera will ultimately have to be restricted to a small group of species from the SW Pacific, while the Asian species will have to be transferred to one or more other genera
General InformationSchefflera abyssinica is a tree with a large, spreading crown that can usually grow up to about 12 metres tall when free-standing. It often starts life as an epiphyte in the branch of another tree and can then eventually send down roots that grow into the ground, providing extra nutriment and allowing it to grow more vigorously and out-compete the host tree - in such circumstances plants up to 30 metres tall have been recorded. The bole, even of terrestrial trees, is often twisted[
The tree is sometimes harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of wood. An attractive plant, it is sometimes grown as a living fence and as an ornamental
Tropical Africa - Nigeria, Cameroon, DR Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia.
Mountain rainforest, often in secondary formations; gallery forest; transition to grassland; usually at elevations from 1,400 - 2,800 metres, but occasionally descending to 1,200 metres
The leaves and young shoots are pounded and used as medicine for small poxSome triterpene saponins have been isolated from the leaves
Agroforestry Uses:
The plant is used as a living fence
The flowers are a good source of nectar and pollen for bees[
Other Uses
The heartwood is yellowish brown; it is indistinctly demarcated from the sapwood. The texture is coarse. The wood is light in weight, soft and easy to work. It is used for furniture, boxes, water pots and agricultural implements. It is suitable for the inner layers of plywood
The wood is occasionally used for fuel
Seed - it does not require pre-treatment, and usually starts to germinate within 2 weeks of sowing[
Cuttings - taken at the end of the rainy season
Schefflera abyssinica - Useful Tropical Plants (theferns.info)
Schefflera abyssinica Images - Useful Tropical Plants (theferns.info)
'식물 > 들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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