Schefflera volkensii (Harms) Harms식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2025. 3. 2. 11:59
국표에 없다.
English (schefflera)
Schefflera volkensii is a scandent or tall tree up to 24-30 m tall. Sometimes an epiphyte upon other trees. Leaf petiole up to 13(-17) cm x 3.8 mm diameter, sometimes somewhat expanded at base, glabrous or sparsely hairy at tip. Leaflets 4-7 generally coriaceous, narrowly obovate or elliptic, oblanceolate or obovate, up to 15 cm long by 7 cm wide, acute to rounded, slightly retuse at apex, with a broadly to narrowly cuneate base, entire to very slightly repand, sometimes slightly crisped margins, glabrous; petiolules up to 2.8 cm long x 1.9 mm diameter. Stipules sheath-like, up to about 1.4 cm long. Flowers sessile, up to 12-20; together. Inflorescence an extended or compressed raceme of bracteate racemes of small pedunculate with or without globular capitula up to 7 mm diameter when flowers in bud; primary branches up to 23 cm long x 4(-5.5) mm diameter, generally sparsely lenticillate; secondary branches 5-17 mm long, sometimes lenticellate, borne in the axils of ovate to oblate bracts up to 4 mm long. Fruits minutely puberulous or glabrous, up to 5.5 mm long and 4-5 cm in diameter. The generic name commemorates G. Scheffler, a German botanical collector in Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi around 1900
Schefflera_volkensii.PDF (worldagroforestry.org)
Description: A tree which may be an epiphyte on other trees at first and often a liane. It becomes a tall tree 6-25 m, the trunk often twisty, very irregular, the crown eventually large, rounded and spreading. LEAVES: compound digitate with 4-7 leaflets each 5-15 cm long the long leaf stalk to 13 cm, each leaflet smooth bright green, shiny and waxy above, tip obtuse, often bent under, usually narrowed to stalks of about 1 cm. Green stalks with prominent lenticels as small brown streaks. FLOWERS: tiny, yellow-green on stalks to 25 cm, 1 cm branches bearing stalkless flowers 12-20 together in little star-like heads. FRUIT: rounded to 5 mm across, lightly ribbed, light green then red when ripe, topped by the remains of 5 styles.
Schefflera_volkensii_UGA.pdf (worldagroforestry.org)
General Information
Schefflera volkensii is a plant that can grow as a spreading shrub; as a tree 24 - 30 metres tall; or can adopt a more climbing habit. It sometimes grows as an epiphyte upon the branches of other trees
The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of wood. It is sometimes grown to protect the soil and to provide shade in coffee planttions; with its majestic form it can beautifully grace gardens and avenues
Schefflera volkensii - Useful Tropical Plants (theferns.info)
'식물 > 들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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