Croton parksi Croizat식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2024. 10. 28. 14:02
국표에 없다.DescriptionCroton parksii (also called Parks Croton, among many other common names) is a shrub or small tree that grows up to 6 m tall. It is native to India, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines and is found in dry deciduous forests, scrub, and grasslands.Uses & BenefitsCroton parksii is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a houseplant. It is also used in traditional medicine to trea..
Euphorbia greggii Boiss.식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2024. 10. 26. 18:42
국표에 없다.DescriptionEuphorbia greggii (also called Gregg's Spurge, among many other common names) is an evergreen perennial succulent shrub native to South Africa. It has thick, fleshy stems and leaves, and produces small yellow flowers. It is found in rocky areas and dry grasslands, and is drought-tolerant.Uses & BenefitsEuphorbia greggii is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and as a housepl..
Croton incanus Kunth식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2024. 10. 25. 17:57
국표에 없다.Croton incanus Kunth in A. von Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 2(fol.): 58; 2(qto.): 73. 1817.Salvia, Torrey’s croton, vara blanca Salvia, Torrey’s croton, vara blancaCroton suaveolens Torrey var. oblongifolius Torrey; C. torreyanus Müller Arg.Shrubs, 10–20 dm, monoecious. Stems much branched distally, stellate-velutinous. Leaves sometimes clustered near inflorescences; stipules linear-sub..
Croton glandulosus L.식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2024. 10. 23. 13:54
국표에 없다.Croton glandulosus is a species of plant in the family Euphorbiaceae that has many common names such as vente conmigo, tooth-leaved croton, tropic croton and sand croton. The species's specific epithet, glandulosus, is due to the gland-like structures that appear at the end of the leaf stalk. C. glandulosus and various other species are found to be common weeds in gardens, crops, and lawn..
Cnidoscolus texanus (Müll.Arg.) Small식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2024. 10. 23. 11:59
국표에 없다.Cnidoscolus texanus, commonly known as Texas bullnettle (also Texas bull nettle and Texas bull-nettle), tread-softly, mala mujer, and finger rot, is a perennial herb covered with stinging hairs. The main stem, branches, leaves, and seed pods are all covered with hispid or glass-like bristly hairs that release an allergenic toxin upon contact. Contact with the plant results in intense pain..
Tragia urens L.식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2024. 10. 21. 09:56
국표에 없다.Herbs or subshrubs, 2–5 dm. Stems erect, green to purple-green, apex never flexuous. Leaves: petiole 0–2 mm; blade usually oblanceolate to linear, sometime elliptic, 2–8(–10) × 0.2–1.4 cm, base acute, margins entire or irregularly and shallowly sinuate, apex acute. Inflorescences terminal (often appearing leaf opposed), glands absent, staminate flowers 3–45 per raceme; staminate bracts 1–..
Croton dioicus Cav.식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2024. 10. 9. 18:03
국표에 없다.Subshrubs, 2–5(–9) dm, dioecious. Stems well-branched from base, stellate-lepidote. Leaves not clustered; stipules rudimentary or absent; petiole 0.2–0.8(–2) cm, usually less than 1/2 blade length, glands absent at apex; blade narrowly elliptic-ovate to lanceolate, 1–6.5 × 0.6–2.2 cm, usually less than 1/2 as wide as long, base rounded, margins entire, apex acute to rounded, abaxial surfa..
cnidoscolus sp.식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2024. 10. 6. 21:28
국표에 없다.Similar plants:Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Spinach Tree, Tread Softly, Cabbage Star, Chaya)Cnidoscolus chayamansa (Maya Spinach Tree, Chaya Col, Kikilchay, Chaykeken)Cnidoscolus tehuacanensis (Mala Mujer)AuthorsJosé Mauricio SalcedoMaterial Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/imageURIhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11761/3994CollectionsTolima Flor de mala mujer (Cnidoscolus sp) (humboldt.org.co) A pe..