Ocimum basilicum 'Siam Queen' (Thai Basil)식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2022. 8. 20. 16:54
국표에는 없다. Botanical name Ocimum basilicum 'Siam Queen' Other names Basil 'Siam Queen' Genus Ocimum Variety or Cultivar 'Siam Queen' _ 'Siam Queen' is a stongly flavoured aromatic herb with large, lush, oval-shaped, slightly puckered bright green leaves, with a scent of liquorice, on purple stems, and spikes of small, tubular white or pink-tinged flowers in late summer. Foliage Deciduous Fragrance..
Salvia leucantha ‘Santa Barbara’식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2022. 6. 21. 15:57
국표에는 없다. Dwarf Mexican sage. Finally, a dwarf selection of the omnipresent Mexican sage! Brand new to the trade, this variety looks and acts like its parent except that it reaches the manageable size of 2’ by 3’ without pruning. Rich purple-blue fuzzy flowers crown its graceful branches virtually year round in mild climates. The flower color seems to be an intermediate shade between the species ..
황금플레기백리향-Thymus pulegioides 'Aureus'식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2022. 5. 2. 14:27
과명 Lamiaceae (꿀풀과) 속명 Thymus (백리향속) 전체학명 [정명] Thymus pulegioides 'Aureus' 추천명 황금플레기백리향 이명 외국명 추천명변경: 황금플레기오이데스백리향 -> 황금플레기백리향 Thymus pulegioides 'Aureus', commonly known as Golden Large Thyme, is an evergreen, spreading shrub with yellow, rounded to oval, aromatic leaves. Clusters of two-lipped, purple-pink flowers appear in mid-summer. It has also be known as Thymus citriodorus 'Aureus' and Thy..
C. menthifolium subsp. ascendens. -Clinopodium ascendens식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2022. 2. 12. 18:10
애기꽃인가? 꽃을 보니 전혀아니다. 그러면 층층이꽃속(Clinopodium)인가? Clinopodium sachalinense (F.Schmidt) Koidz.(두메탑풀) 아니고 Clinopodium chinense var. parviflorum (Kudo) H. Hara(층층이꽃) 아니고 Clinopodium gracile var. multicaule (Maxim.) Ohwi(탑꽃) 아니고 Clinopodium micranthum (Regel) Hara(두메층층이) 아니고 Clinopodium gracile (Benth.) Kuntze(애기탑꽃) 아니고 다 층층이꽃 속이다. 국표에는 자생식물정명Clinopodium chinense (Benth.) Kuntze var. grandiflorum (Maxim..
Salvia longispicata (x) farinacea Big Blue식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2022. 2. 3. 13:22
국표에는 없다. Salvia 'Big Blue' is a hybrid sage, in reality a chilly perennial plant that will be easily grown as an annual for the generosity and beauty of its flowering. This heat-resistant variety produces from summer to frosts of superb spikes of erect, very dense, intense purplish-blue flowers, which rise majestically above a wide dark green foliage. With an erect but compact port of very neat ..
산골무꽃-[정명] Scutellaria pekinensis Maxim. var. transitra (Makino) H.Hara식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2022. 1. 7. 17:34
과명 Engler - APG Ⅳ -Lamiaceae (꿀풀과)속명Scutellaria (골무꽃속)전체학명[정명] Scutellaria pekinensis Maxim. var. transitra (Makino) H.Hara 추천명산골무꽃이명각씨골무꽃,광릉골무꽃,그늘골무꽃,각시골무꽃외국명ヒカゲタツナミソウ,Understory skullcap꽃색분포전국 각처에 분포한다.형태여러해살이풀이다.생육환경산지의 응달에서 자란다.크기높이 4-25cm이다.잎잎은 마주나기하고 엽병은 길이 2~2.5cm로 길며 털이 있거나 없다. 잎은 달걀모양, 난상 긴 타원형 넓은 달걀모양 또는 다소 사각상 달걀모양이고 길이 2.5~3cm로서 표면에 털이 있거나 없으며 뒷면은 잎맥에만 털이 있고 가장자리에 굵은 톱니가 있거나 부분적으로 ..
Sweet basil식물/들꽃-꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 2021. 12. 16. 19:21
Sweet basil is a sub-type of common basil with milder or licoricey taste. It is the best choice for Italian sauces and soups and for making pesto. Sweet basil leaves can sustain better in high-temperature cooking than common basil, so they are widely used in the South Asian cuisine. What Is the Difference Between Basil and Sweet Basil? (medicinenet.com) Description Sweet basil, is an herb in the..