Coprosma autumnalis Colenso식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2024. 11. 12. 10:36
국표에 없다.Coprosma autumnalis or C. grandifolia according to earlier Colenso authority, (In Māori: kanono or raurēkau) is a native forest shrub of New Zealand. Its widespread in both the North Island and in the northern South Island, and has the largest leaves of any New Zealand coprosma.Kanono is found in wet and shaded forest areas where it can grow to 6 metres high, with a slender trunk and stou..
Psychotria rufipes Hook.f.식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2024. 11. 4. 16:56
국표에 없다.SynonymsUragoga rufipes (Hook.f.) Kuntze [valid]DescriptionPsychotria rufipes (also called Red-Footed Psychotria, among many other common names) is a shrub or small tree, typically growing up to 6 m tall. It is native to Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. It is found in wet forests, often near streams, at elevations up to 1,500 m.Uses & BenefitsPsychotria rufipes is used as an or..
Cinchona pubescens Vahl식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2024. 11. 3. 12:05
국표에 없다.Cinchona pubescens, also known as red cinchona and quina or kina (Spanish: Cascarilla, cinchona; Portuguese: quina-do-amazonas, quineira), is native to Central and South America. It is known as a medicinal plant for its bark's high quinine content- and has similar uses to C. officinalis in the production of quinine, most famously used for treatment of malaria.DescriptionC. pubescens varie..
Declieuxia deltoidea Müll.Arg.식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2024. 10. 18. 11:35
국표에 없다.Declieuxia deltoidea Müll.Arg.First published in Flora 59: 437 (1876)This species is acceptedThe native range of this species is Brazil (Minas Gerais). It is a subshrub or shrub and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.Shrub or subshrub cane-like, often glaucous, 40-200 cm tall, the branches terete, glabrous, the internodes (1-)2-5 cm long. Stipules unidentate or 6-7-denta..
Stenaria nigricans (Lam.) Terrell식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2024. 10. 9. 16:53
국표에 없다.Plant CharacteristicsGrowth FormHerbaceous, ShrubHeight1to2ft.Spread1to2ft.Leaf RetentionSemi EvergreenLifespanPerennialHabitat and Care RequirementsSoil Type(s)Sand, Gravelly, Rocky, Limestone, CalcareousLight RequirementSun, Part ShadeWater RequirementMediumNative HabitatGrasslandBloom and AttractionBloom ColorWhite, Blue, PurpleBloom SeasonSpring, Summer, FallSeasonal InterestNectarWil..
두메갈퀴-[정명] Galium paradoxum Maxim.식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2024. 8. 9. 14:25
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ- Rubiaceae (꼭두서니과) 속명Galium (갈퀴덩굴속)전체학명[정명] Galium paradoxum Maxim. 추천명두메갈퀴비추천명두메갈키,산갈키외국명Montane bedstraw, 林豬殃殃, ミヤマムグラ분포러시아, 일본, 중국 / 전국 각지에 분포한다.생육환경깊은 산의 나무 그늘에 자란다.생육형여러해살이풀크기높이 10-25cm 정도로 자란다.잎잎은 밑에서 마주나기하며 중앙부에서부터는 4장씩 돌려나기하고 달걀모양이며 끝이 뾰족하고 밑은 둥글거나 좁으며 길이는 1-4cm, 폭 1-2cm로서 가장자리와 표면의 가장자리 근처에 위를 향한 짧은 털이 있고 엽병은 길이 1-4cm이다.꽃꽃은 6-7월에 피며 백색이고 가지 끝이나 잎겨드랑이에 성긴 취산꽃차례로 달리며 화경이 있..
개갈퀴-[정명] Galium maximowiczii (Kom.) Pobed.식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2024. 7. 24. 13:31
과명Engler- APG Ⅳ-Rubiaceae (꼭두서니과) 속명 Galium (갈퀴덩굴속) 전체학명[정명] Galium maximowiczii (Kom.) Pobed.추천명개갈퀴비추천명갈퀴아재비,개갈퀴아재비,넓은잎개갈퀴,수레갈퀴아재비,큰갈퀴아재비영문명Maximowicz’s woodruff 분포러시아, 일본, 중국 등 / 전국의 산지에서 자란다.생육환경산지의 응달이나 물가에서 자란다.생육형여러해살이풀이다.크기높이 70cm 정도이다.잎잎은 4~5개가 돌려나기하지만 2개는 탁엽이며 타원형이고 3맥이 뚜렷하며 끝이 둔하고 밑부분이 좁아져서 짧은 엽병의 날개로 되며 길이 4-6cm, 나비1-2cm로서 잎맥 위에 털이 있고 가지의 잎은 훨씬 작으며 대개 4개씩 돌려나기하고 가장자리는 밋밋하다.꽃꽃은 8~9월에 피..
Houstonia caerulea L.식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2024. 3. 15. 18:31
국표에 없다.Houstonia caerulea, commonly known as azure bluet, Quaker ladies, or bluets, is a perennial species in the family Rubiaceae. It is native to eastern Canada (Ontario to Newfoundland) and the eastern United States (Maine to Wisconsin, south to Florida and Louisiana, with scattered populations in Oklahoma). It is found in a variety of habitats such as cliffs, alpine zones, forests, meadows a..