Sinningia bullata Chautems et al.식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2017. 10. 28. 09:48
국표에 없다. Sinningia bullata Sinningia bullata(시닝기아속)이 국표에 두 종 있으나 이 국명과 학명은 없다. Sinningia bullata is a tuberous member of the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae. It produces small red flowers and is found in Brazil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinningia_bullata Sinningia bullata are in the Gesneriaceae family. They have Bright orange flowers dotted red produced throughout the year. Small bright..
Nematanthus-금붕어나무-네마탄서스식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2016. 6. 9. 16:40
Nematanthus gregarius 금붕어나무-네마탄서스 국가표준식물목록에는 아직 없는 괭이밥과 종이다. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nematanthus is a genus of flowering plants of the family Gesneriaceae. All of its species are endemic to Brazil. Compared to other gesneriads, Nematanthus has leaves that are small, succulent, and hard-surfaced. The plant has a trailing, branching, and spreading habit; it is generally an epiphyte i..
아프리칸바이올렛-[정명] Saintpaulia ionantha H.Wendl.식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2015. 11. 10. 15:23
아프리칸 바이올렛 과명 Gesneriaceae (괭이귀과) 속명 saintpaulia(세인트폴리아속) 전체학명 saintpaulia ionantha 추천명 아프리칸 바이올렛 이명 외국명 african violet African violets The botanical name for African violets is 'Saintpaulia'. It is in the family of Gesneriaceae which also includes such plants as Gloxinia, Streptocarpus, Aeschynanthus, and Episcia. Happy Growing! Joyce Stork http://avsa.org/faq-avnames Saintpaulias, commonly know..