Alan's White Feather식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2020. 9. 25. 13:44
A sweet semi-miniature variety with cute white bell-like flowers Genus - Saintpaulia Common name - African Violets Group - Semi-miniature Mature size - Max. width 20cm Position - Indirect light Type - Tender perennial Flowering - Intermittent, all year Flower colour - white Delivery size - 1 x Ø4cm Jumbo plug Plant habit - Single crown, very low growing Temp - 15-20°C https://www.dibleys-shop.co..
african violet Jean Pierre Croteau식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2020. 9. 23. 16:21
Blossom: Single-semidouble dark purple/coral fantasy. Foliage: Dark green, quilted, serrated. Plants may not be full size and/or blooming at the time of shipment. Pictures are of plants of the same variety as the item listed. All orders for plants and/or leaves placed between November 1st and April 1st must include the “Winter Shipping” item. This item is located under the section “African Viole..
African Violet 'Lonestar Twilight'식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2020. 9. 23. 15:28
African Violet: Lonestar Twilight (9650) 02/24/2006 (R. Nicholas) Single-semidouble white frilled pansy/blue eye, variable blue rays, edge, variable green edge. Variegated medium green and white, plain, serrated. Standard (TX Hyb) #AVSA #africanviolet #indoorplant #houseplant #Lonestar Twilight https://www.pinterest.co.kr/AfricanVioletSocietyofAmerica/_created/
Gloxinia Brocade Red White식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2020. 5. 14. 19:07
Gloxinia Brocade Red White 국표에는 Sinningia속이 2종이다. 재배식물 정명 Sinningia canescens (Mart.) Wiehler 시닝기아 카네스켄스 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Sinningia speciosa (Lodd.) Hiern. 글록시니아 2014/07/17 hortiexpert.pl/produkt/gloxinia-brocade/gloxinia-brocade-red-white/ Gloxinia Brocade Red White Gloxinia Brocade Double Mixed is a 100% fully double-flowering Gloxinia. Plants are extremely dwarf and compact with small dark ..
Aeschynanthus radicans Jack식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2019. 5. 31. 15:18
Aeschynanthus radicans Jack (Lipstick Plant) Aeschynanthus radicans is a vine-like plant native to the humid tropics of the Malay Peninsula south to Java. It is an epiphyte or lithophyte growing to 1.5 m tall, with leathery, green leaves that are 4–8 cm long, ovate to lanceolate, opposite or whorled. The flowers are terminal, tubular, 5-7.5 cm long, with the upper lobes shorter than the lower. T..
Aeschynanthus 'Twister'식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2019. 5. 29. 15:28
Aeschynanthus 'Twister' This is such a quirky unusual plant that it will certainly catch people's attention. Known as the lipstick plant because of the tubular scarlet flowers which sprout out from the ends of the bright green, fleshy twisted leaves. Perfect for growing indoors in a hanging basket where the curling foliage and tropical looking flowers can tumble over the edge to be fully appreci..
Nematanthus 'Tropicana'식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2019. 5. 26. 20:02
Nematanthus 'Tropicana' Nematanthus 'Tropicana' is an evergreen, tropical perennial with small, attractive, glossy, succulent foliage and clusters of unusual, bright orange pouch-shaped flowers that are striped with red. It has a trailing and spreading habit and therefore goes well in hanging baskets, though in nature it is an epiphyte. Coming from the rainforests of Brazil they need regular war..
Nematanthus Gregarius Cheerio식물/들꽃-괭이귀과(Gesneriaceae) 2019. 4. 24. 17:18
Nematanthus Gregarius Cheerio Nematanthus ‘Cheerio’ has survived as a very special minor flowering plant since it was created by Bill Saylor of Brewster MA in 1977. A hybrid between two species, N. wettsteinii and N. radicans (gregarious), which by great fortune inherited the best from both parents, plus vigor. N. wettsteinii is the smallest Nematanthus species with shiny leaves and orange candy..