Hibiscus syriacus 'ARDENS'식물/들꽃-아욱과(Malvaceae) 2020. 8. 14. 18:01
SIZE/TYPE taller shrub USUAL HEIGHT 2-3m USUAL WIDTH LEAVES deciduous broadleaf COLOUR OF LEAVES green FLOWERS showy COLOUR OF FLOWERS lilac BLOOMING TIME July - September LOCATION full sun Rose-of-Sharon deserves more attention for its abundant flowering in summer. These maintenance-free shrubs come from eastern Asia and are the inevitable ingredient of every summer garden which they highlight with a wide range of coloured flowers. There has been a number of cultivars available since its discovery. They have various bloom colours, shapes and sizes, as well as varigated leaves.
Ardens is one of the older varieties with beautiful, mauve, double, open flowers. It tends to get harder and harder to get now that new varieties come every year. This one, however, proved to be a winner, blooming profusely and reliably every year, forming a dense shrub.https://www.havlis.cz/karta_en.php?kytkaid=101
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