한탄강-Hantangang문화재/내가 본 대한민국 국가지질공원 2020. 7. 13. 12:50
INVITATION You are cordially invited to participate in the Welcome Digital Event co-organized by UNESCO and the Global Geopark Network to celebrate the nomination of 16 New UNESCO Global Geoparks:
• Cliff s of Fundy (Canada) • Discovery (Canada) • Xiangxi (China) • Zhangye (China) • Lauhanvuori-Haemeenkangas (Finland) • Toba Caldera (Indonesia) • Hantangang (Republic of Korea) • Rio Coco (Nicaragua) • Djerdap (Serbia) • Granada (Spain) • Maestrazgo (Spain) • Estrela (Portugal) • Yangan Tau (Russian Federation) • Kula- Salihli (Turkey) • Black Country (UK) • Dak Nong (Vietnam)
For warmly welcoming these 16 new territories we would like to invite to participate:
• The 16 new UNESCO Global Geoparks • The Permanent Delegations at UNESCO of the respected Member States • The 146 UNESCO Global Geoparks Representatives • The GGN and UNESCO Global Geoparks Council MembersHantangang UNESCO Global Geopark (Republic of Korea)
Situated in the central part of the Korean Peninsula, the Geopark features a unique volcanic landscape of deep gorges, basalt cliffs, columnar joints and waterfalls formed during the late Quaternary, after the eruption of Ori Mountain, which unleashed a lava flow between parallel mountain ranges along the old Hantangang River Valley, creating the Cheorwon Lava Plateau. Hantangang River subsequently eroded a new path through the lava plateau, developing its unique volcanic topography. The area wealth of cultural and archaeological sites including Jeongok-ri, which dates back to the Stone Age, testifies to its strategic importance for trade and war.
50만년 역사 한탄강 '세계지질공원' 인증
비둘기낭 폭포 멍우리협곡 베개용암 화적연 삼부연폭포
한탄강, ‘유네스코 세계지질공원’ 지정
[출처] - 국민일보
[원본링크] - http://news.kmib.co.kr/article/view.asp?arcid=0014776453&code=61121111&cp=du50만 년 역사 한탄강, 유네스코 ‘세계지질공원’ 지정
50만 년 역사 한탄강, 유네스코 ‘세계지질공원’ 지정
50만 년의 유구한 역사가 흐르고 지질 자연생태가 잘 보존된 한탄강이 우리나라에서 네 번째 유네스코(UNES..
경기도 "한탄강 세계지질공원 인증 유네스코 결정 환영"
포천 한탄강 '유네스코 세계지질공원' 재지정 전망...위원 13명 중 10명 찬성 (msn.com)
[ESC] 땅 짚고 가는 한탄강…연천 지질 여행
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