아메리칸블루-Evolvulus giomeratus식물/들꽃-메꽃과(Convolvulaceae) 2019. 9. 13. 13:46
Evolvulus giomeratus
Evolvulus glomeratus, or Dwarf Morning Glory, is a tender perennial more often grown as an annual that is a member of the Convolvulaceae family. It has brilliant blue flowers over a carpet of fuzzy, oval-shaped green leaves. As an annual in containers, it is often hung over the edge of baskets; as a perennial groundcover, it spreads over stone walls or flower beds. It is not a hardy plant, but if planted in the ground, it will form sprawling mounds 9 to 18 inches tall. Trailing stems tend to grow somewhat horizontally to downward when planted in baskets or containers. Flowers usually close up at night and on cloudy days. It is drought tolerant and no known serious problems with insects, pests, or diseases.
꽃말 : 두사람의 인연
유통명:아메리칸블루, 블루데이즈
1 Batatas 1 2 Calonyction 밤메꽃속 3 3 Calystegia 메꽃속 32 4 Convolvulus 서양메꽃속 24 5 Cuscuta 새삼속 22 6 Demidofia 1 7 Dichondra 아욱메풀속 6 8 Escallonia 에스칼로니아속 4 9 Grammica 1 10 Ipomoea 나팔꽃속 23 11 Jacquemontia 선나팔꽃속 1 12 Pharbitis 2 13 Quamoclit 유홍초속 4 14 Steripha 1 15 Volvulus 2 국표 메꽃과에 15속이 있으나 Evolvulus속은 없다.
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