아스코센다-Ascocenda식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2019. 5. 4. 16:53
Vanda / Ascocenda Type
Vanda is a gender with around 65 species spread throughout India, the Himalaya, Southeast-Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, New-Guinea, the South of China and the North of Australia. They are mainly epiphytes, with some exceptions that are lithophytes and terrestrial plants.
Some species have flat, wide, egg-shaped leaves, while some have fleshy, conical leaves that are adjusted to a drier climate. The stems of the orchids vary in size. There are miniature plants, but also plants that can grow to be metres long. They can become very big, which means that they come with an extensive air root system. The flower stem on the side grows from the stem of the plant and carries some to many large, remarkable flowers.
Most species have yellow-brown flowers with brown markings, but they can also be white, green, orange, red and burgundy. Die lip has a small shoot. Vanda’s usually bloom every few months and the flowers stay 3-12 weeks, depending on the care.
Vanda’s prefer clear water. Fertilizer can be used all year long. Furthermore it’s best for these plants to use little to no soil around the roots.
The Ascocenda Orchid is a fascinating orchid species that is represented by the most handsome large orchid plants and an equally wide variety of beautiful orchid flowers. This orchid is not very different from the Vanda orchid and the Phalaenopsis orchid in all these orchids are tropical orchids that thrive as warm-climate orchids. As an orchid grower you will always want to bring out the best in your orchid plants this then means that you need to observe certain cultural specifics that are required for the successful cultivation of Ascocenda orchids. The natural home of the Ascocenda orchid species are places like Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and the Philippines.
All Ascocenda orchids prefer full sun exposure and bright light with warm temperatures and high humidity levels. These orchids are all epiphytic and sympodial in their growth habit. To this end they sport long trailing roots that are capable of drawing nutrients and the required moisture from the atmosphere.
The Ascocenda orchid is considered as difficult to cultivate by some orchid growers, however, their charm is well worth the supplying of their particular needs and the studying of their habits.
http://www.landscape-and-garden.com/Orchids/AscocendaOrchid'식물 > 들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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