
  • Bryophyllum pinnatum
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2018. 3. 20. 13:32

    Bryophyllum pinnatum

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    국표에 Kalanchoe속은 14종이 검색된다.

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    1.Bryophyllum daigremontianum

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Mother of Thousands, Palm tree Bryophyllum, Mexican Hat Plant, Alligator Plant, Devil's backbone, Chandelier Plant, Mother of Millions

    Bryophyllum daigremontianum, commonly called devil’s backbone, mother of thousands, alligator plant, or Mexican hat plant is a succulent plant native to Madagascar. Like other members of its genus Bryophyllum, it is able to propagate vegetatively from plantlets that develop on its phylloclade margins. All parts of the plant contain a very toxic steroid known as daigremontianin.

    Bryophyllum daigremontianum has an umbrella-like terminal inflorescence (a compound cyme) of small bell-shaped, grayish pink (or sometimes orange) flowers. Flowering is, however, not an annual event and occurs sporadically if at all on some shoots. Particularly in climates with distinct seasonal temperature differences, flowering is most frequently observed at the beginning of a warm season. Indoor plants, as well as balcony plants which have been moved inside to survive the cold season, begin flowering in early winter.


    ARABIC ( لعربية ): طحلبية القبعة المكسيكية, طُحلُبيّة القُبّعة المَكسيكيّة
    HUNGARIAN (Magyar): Sarjika, Elevenszülő korallvirág
    JAPANESE (日本語): コダカラベンケイ
    PERSIAN (فارسی): کالانکوئه دایگریمونتیا
    POLISH ( Polski): Żyworódka Daigremonta
    PORTUGUESE (Português): Mãe de milhares
    RUSSIAN (Русский): Каланxоэ Дегремона
    SPANISH (Español): Espinazo del Diablo, Aranto, Siempreviva, Dulcamara
    SWEDISH (Svenska): Livsblad
    TONGAN (Faka-Tonga): Faʻē ʻa e miliona, Faʻē ʻa e ʻafe, Faʻēʻaemano
    UKRAINIAN (Українська): Каланxое Дайгремонта

    Description: Kalanchoe daigremontianum (Bryophyllum daigremontianum) also called Mother of Thousands, Alligator Plant, or Mexican Hat is a slender monocarpic, perennials, glabrous, succulent herb. The cylindrical unbranched shoots are erect, about 25–40 cm tall of up to 1cm thickness and closely marked by leaf scars. The leaves are triangular, glaucous bluish green and faintly marked with brownish black spots. The bare stems with the upper whorl of leaves give plants the appearance of miniature palm trees. Like other members of the genus Bryophyllum, it is able to propagate vegetatively from minute plantlets that develop on the leaf edges and are shed one after the other. All parts of the plant are poisonous to humans, stocks and small animls.

    Flowers: Pendulous, large, bell-shaped, bisexual, 4-merous, rose-colored, pink or lavender. Calyx green or purplish, not inflated, 6–10 mm, tube 3–4 mm, lobes triangular, glabrous, acute, 3–7 x 2-4 mm, equaling or longer than tube, apex acute. Corolla tubular, pink or lavender, (18-)20–23(-30) mm long, not contracted basally, lobes obovate, 6–12 mm, apex rounded, apiculate. Filaments inserted at the middle of corolla-tube. Carpels 4, styles smaller than the ovary, numerous ovules per locule. Nectar scales oblong, 1.5-2 x 0.3-1 mm.

    2.Bryophyllum delagoense

    Bryophyllum delagoensis is a succulent plant native to Madagascar. In common with some other members of its genus, B. delagoensis is notable for vegetatively growing small plantlets on the distal ends of its phylloclades, leading to its common names of mother of millions, and devil's backbone. Chandelier plant is an alternative common name.[citation needed]

    This species' capability for vegetative reproduction, its drought tolerance, and its popularity as a garden plant, relate to this species' becoming an invasive weed in places such as eastern Australia and many Pacific islands. In the Neotropics hummingbirds sometimes pollinate this non-native plant.

    Bryophyllum delagoensis is unwelcome because it displaces native plants and contains bufadienolide cardiac glycosides which can cause fatal poisoning, particularly in grazing animals like cattle.[5] During 1997, 125 head of cattle died after eating this species on a travelling stock reserve near Moree, NSW.

    Because of the toxicity of this species and its hybrids, and especially of the flowers, it has been declared a noxious weed in New South Wales and Queensland


    3.Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi

    Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi is a species native to Madagascar widely sold as a house or garden plant that has established itself in the wild in some southern parts of the United States of America. The specific epithet fedtschenkoi honors botanist Boris Fedtschenko (1873-1947).

    Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi is a low-growing, frost-tender perennial succulent that prefers dry, open ground. It grows to 10–12 inches (25–30 cm) as an untidy, low, rounded herb. The stems are round, smooth and lax with visible leaf scars, often bending to touch the ground where they produce roots and a new plant. Leaves are simple, fleshy, alternate, blue-green and oval or obovate with fine scalloped edges, the edges may turn pink or red under strong sunlight or drought conditions. The tubular flowers are carried in corymbs, often multi-layered in good conditions. Each flower has a short calyx edged with delta-shaped segments, the calyx is shorter than the tubular corolla. The corolla is an orange/coral/apricot colour. The flowers hang down.

    Commonly called ‘Lavender Scallops’ from the shape and colour of its leaves. It has few pests but may be susceptible to mealy bug or occasionally scale insects.

    =Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier


    Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi으로 동정

    4.Bryophyllum pinnatum

    Bryophyllum pinnatum, also known as the air plant, cathedral bells, life plant, miracle leaf, and Goethe plant is a succulent plant native to Madagascar, which is a popular houseplant and has become naturalized in tropical and subtropical areas. It is distinctive for the profusion of miniature plantlets that form on the margins of its phylloclades, a trait it has in common with some other members of its genus.


    5.Kalanchoe Pinnata
    4.Bryophyllum pinnatum과 거의 동일
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