Echeveria gigantea-에케베리아 기간티아식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2018. 3. 14. 21:38
에케베리아 기간티아
echeveria gigantea
국표에는 없다.
Echeveria gigantea
Origin and Habitat: Mexico (Puebla, Oaxaca).
Habitat: Grows on dry walls and limestone ridges.Description: This is on of the largest rosette forming member of this genus, as the specific epithetic would seem to agree. It makes an impressive pot subject or, in areas where it can be planted out, a landscaping focal point.
Stem: Short and stocky, 20-30 cm long usually unbranched.
Rosette: 15 - 30 cm in diameter.
Leaves: 15-22(-25) cm long, x 8-12(-15) cm broad, widely obovate-spatulate (broad at the widest point), obanceolate, obtuse, apiculate, that twist and turn with fleshiness that really resembles a porcine auditory organ, tapering at base into a thick fleshy petiole, green to gray-green, waxy with shining purplish red margins. Older leaves flush purple to pink.
Inflorescence: Usually unbranched, erect, cymose-paniculate 1-2 m tall, with about 7 cincinni, each with 7-16 flowers.
Pedicel: 2-8 mm.
Flower: Nodding rose-red, sepals spreading to recurved, very unequal, to 15 mm long; Calixl pentagonal, 12-17 x 9-11 mm in diameter, rose-red, faintly glaucous.
Blooming season: Late autumn through early winter.
Remarks: This species has been widely hybridized and selected for increased crenulation of the leaf-margins. Cultivars comprises: ‘Alta May’. ‘Arlie Wright‘, ‘Chantilly’, ‘Cameo’, ‘Dick Wright’, and ‘Paul Bunyan’'식물 > 들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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