Monanthes subcrassicaulisusually grow as densely branched plants. These are perennial plants and would be only 5-10 cm in height once they fully grow.
They would produce leaves which you could spot in dull green. Moreover, those leaves would form slightly furrowed and oval in shape.
Moreover, they may consist of red spots as well.Monanthes subcrassicaulisproduce flowers in white, pink. They would tend to take a circular shape. Furthermore, those flowers will contain a raised center.
Monanthes subcrassicaulisstem would form in an ascending or decumbent form. They would tend to become pendulous once they mature.
Those stems would be 2-5mm in diameter and slightly woody. Further they would be glandular and hairy too.Monanthes subcrassicaulisleaves would be obovate or round in shape.
Those leaves would be 6-10 mm in length. Moreover, they would be 3-4 mm in width and would be 2 mm in thickness. They may further consist of granular hairs in the lower part too.
Monanthes subcrassicaulisform leaves in rosette types. Once rosette would consist of about 6-10 leaves.
As aforesaid, they would produce flowers in white, pink. They would be 3-5mm in diameter. Moreover, they would be glandular hairy too.
Growth Rate
Monanthes subcrassicaulisare usually slow growing plants. However, they will grow well when you cultivate them.