영산홍 '카호'식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2018. 2. 27. 14:11
영산홍 '카호'
과명 - Ericaceae (진달래과)
속명 Rhododendron (진달래속)
Rhododendron indicum 'Kaho'
추천명 영산홍 '카호'
이명 화보소영산홍
외국명 진산이라고도
Close-up photo showing the glossy green leaves of a satsuki azalea (Latin name: rhododendron indicum 'Kaho', which is being trained as a bonsai tree. In the centre of each of these tiny shoots are the flowerbuds for next year, which are just beginning to form and swell up, ready for their springtime show.
http://www.my-stock-photos.com/gardens/azaleas_and_rhododendrons/azalea_bonsai_kaho_6.htmlSatsuki azalea is a cultivar group of the species Rhododendron indicum, a type of azalea extensively cultivated by the Japanese. It is native to the mountains of Japan.Satsuki azaleas have a diverse range of flower forms and color patterns with multiple patterns often appearing on a single plant. Satsuki bloom from May to June; the name “Satsuki” in Japanese is reference to their blooming period, the fifth month of the Asian lunar calendar. They are commonly used as a subject in bonsai and many bonsai enthusiasts and shows are dedicated solely to them. There are thousands of different varieties, but some popular ones are chinzan, kaho, gyoten, osakasuki, eikan, nikko, hakurei, hakurin, kinsai, and many more.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satsuki_azalea'식물 > 들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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