
  • 원패초(칼랑코에 스카피게라)
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2018. 1. 16. 18:22


    원패초(칼랑코에 스카피게라)


      Kalanchoe scapigera Welw. ex Britten

    국표에는Kalanchoe 속이 14종이 있지만 이것은 없다.

      Kalanchoe scapigera Welw. ex Britten

    Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 2: 397 1871

    Origin and Habitat: Province of Namibe, Angola
    Altitude range: 50-60 metres above sea level.
    Habitat and Ecology: Kalanchoe scapigera is widespread in stony desert and dry places. It grows among rocks and in rock fissures.

    ENGLISH: Mealy Kalanchoe

    Description: Kalanchoe scapigera is a small perennial succulent plant (20-)40-150 cm tall with thick almost circular laves with scapiform inflorescences bearing fleshy, bright yellow flowers. The whole plant is glabrous and covered with a white powder. The first description by James Britten was published in 1871.
    Similar species: K. scapigera is often confused with Kalanchoe farinacea with red flowers. These two plants look very much alike but K. scapigera comes from Angola while K. farinacea comes from the island of Socotra (Yemen).
    Stem: Thick, slightly branched, cylindrical and somewhat lignified, 2.5-7.5 cm long transversely rugose with the scars of the fallen leaves.
    Leaves: Subrosulate at the summit of the stem very thick obovate obtuse subpetiolate or nearly orbicular and sessile, 2 to 4 cm long and 1.2 to 2 cm wide, dull green, reddish or yellow-copper-coloured. Tip blunt to rounded. Base constricted to half amplexicaul.
    Inflorescence: Peduncles scapiform rising from the rosette of leaves solitary or two together 12-35 cm long erect cylindrical with one or two pairs of opposite deciduous bracts bearing one or two trichotomous cymes at the summit. Cymes dense 8-15 cm long. Pedicels 2-6 mm long rigid bracteoles about 1 mm long thick, lanceolate, almost triquetrous.
    Flowers: Upright, rather fleshy, bright yellow. Sepals very short scarcely 1-2 mm in length deltoid-ovate to lanceolate, acuminate or rather obtuse, thickened on the back. Corolla tube four-edged not exceeding 12 mm in length. Corolla lobes ovate acuminate about 3 mm long and 1 mm wide. Squamulae linear 2-4 mm long. Stamens attached above the middle of the corolla tube not protruding from the flower. Anthers egg-shaped 0.6 mm long. Nectar glands poited 2 to 4 mm long. Carpels, elongate, (5-)8-10(-18) mm long free from the corolla tube. Style 0.5 to 0.7 mm long.










































































































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