성왕자식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 12. 7. 14:16
과명 Crassulaceae (돌나물과) 속명 Crassula (크라술라속)
추천명 성왕자
이명 외국명 Crassula conjuncta
Gard. Chron. III, 1902(1): 106 1902.Accepted Scientific Name: Crassula perforata Thunb.
Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 6: 319 1778Crassula perforata Thunb.
Origin and Habitat: South and Eastern Cape Province of South Africa north to Natal eastwards to central KwaZulu-Natal; common in the Fish River valley in the Eastern Cape.
Habitat and ecology: Crassula perforata is a scrambling succulent that grows through and over other bushes.ENGLISH: Necklace Vine, String of Buttons, Pagoda plant
AFRIKAANS (Afrikaans): Sosatieplakkie
CHINESE (中文): 星乙女
DANISH (Dansk): Halskæderanke
FINNISH (Suomi): KauluspaunikkoDescription: The 'String of Buttons' or 'Necklace Vine' (Crassula perforata) is a small, "stacked" and compact scrambling succulent shrublet that stays relatively low and clumps readily. It is up to 45 cm tall or more, with secondary branches rising nearly vertically bearing subdistant or distant leaf pairs, that are congested at the leaf tips. It blooms with inconspicuous pale yellow flowers in spring. The leaf margins often have reddish tinges and is quite showy. This plant is called Necklace Vine because the leaves can be rotated around on the stem like beads on a string (this unfortunately to the detriment of the plant as this breaks the petiole, the leaf connection to the stem) or String of Buttons because the opposing pairs of lower cordate leaves appear threaded onto the stems and also Pagoda plant because of the regular arrangement of the leaves at the branch tip.
Stem: Usually unbranchcd 10-60 cm long, wiry, slender, erect, subsimple, fleshy, later prostrate and woody.
Leaves: In pairs, connato-perfoliate (fused) so that they appear to be like beads on a string, with the wiry stem pass through the leaf-pair. They are broadly ovate, patent or squarrose, keeled, scarcely uncial, with short-pointed tip, at right angles to the stem, 8 to 20 mm. long , 9 to 13 mm wide subdistant, cartilagineo-ciliate, glabrous more or less velvety. Gray-green and usually glaucous (covered with a light pruinose surface) with red or yellow cartilaginous margins, impunctate or with small whitish or pink dots on the margin. The fringe is generally conspicuous, but sometimes deficient or obsolete. These characters preserve moisture and protect from strong sunlight).
Inflorescence: It produces an elongate cyme with numerous small creamy flowers in a 15-30 cm long, interrupted, contracted panicle (thyrsus), the branches corymbose, dense, with tooth-like bracts.
Flowers: Very small, white sweet-scented. Calyx short, ovate-oblong, glabrous, keeled; petals connate at base, oblong, submucronulate up to 2.5 mm long; styles shortly subulate.
Blooming season: In cultivation this species may flowers in every time of the year when conditions are appropriate, while in habitat they tend to be produced mainly during spring and summer (November to April).
Similar species: Crassula perforata is similar to Crassula rupestris, with which it co-habits, but C. rupestris is quite distinct, having a rounded dense inflorescence with leaf-like bracts at the base, and it flowers at a different time, winter, whereas C. perforata flowers in spring or summer.
Remarks: In country homes one will find flower pots with the long, hanging branches on shelves or between windows. In the past years these plants have been gaining in popularity and a large number of hybrid and cultivars has been grown. There is also a nice cultivar with yellow-cream variegation (see: Crassula perforata f. variegata) which fades as the older foliage matures.국표에서는 Crassula perforata Thunb.을 성을녀중국에서도 Crassula perforata Thunb. 을 성을녀'식물 > 들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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