
  • Sedum sexangulare L.
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 6. 30. 19:20

    Sedum sexangulare L.

    이 학명으로는 국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: South, eastern and central Europe and adjacent Asia. Sedum sexangulare is cultivated, and often escape to nearly disturbed areas. This species has been introduced to North America and in other temperate countries.

    Habitat: Forms carpets on rocky outcrops, sandy dry grasslands, dry pine forests, railways, bare banks, walls and other dry places in any soil.

    ENGLISH: Tasteless Stonecrop, Chain Stonecrop, Stonecrop, Insipid Stonecrop, Six-sided Stonecrop, Watch-chain Sedum

    Description: Sedum sexangulare commonly known as the “Six angled stone crop” has dark green leaves arranged in six longitudinal, spiralled rows. Its yellow flowers appear bunched at the stem-tip in June to July .

    Stem: Thick, short, succulent branching at the base.

    Leaves: Small, sessile, gibbous, suboval to sub-cylindrical (sausage shaped) , erect to about 3-7 mm long and about 1,5 mm wide, dark green, close together, 3 (or 4) in a whorl, on barren branches, imbricated in the shoots in 6 (at times 7) longitudinal, spiralled rows, those on the flowering-stems usually in threes. Leaves are longer, more numerous, and usually much redder than those of Sedun acre.

    Flowers: Hermaphrodite, mostly 5-merous (five petaled), starry (radially symmetrical), yellow, much like those of Sedum acre, or rather paler and smaller. Petals lance-shaped, taper-pointed 4-5 (rarely 6) mm wide. Stamens in 2 circles, each provided with the same number as the petals. The ovaries are free.


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