Sedum sexangulare L.식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 6. 30. 19:20
Sedum sexangulare
Description: Sedum sexangulare commonly known as the “Six angled stone crop” has dark green leaves arranged in six longitudinal, spiralled rows. Its yellow flowers appear bunched at the stem-tip in June to July .Stem: Thick, short, succulent branching at the base.
Leaves: Small, sessile, gibbous, suboval to sub-cylindrical (sausage shaped) , erect to about 3-7 mm long and about 1,5 mm wide, dark green, close together, 3 (or 4) in a whorl, on barren branches, imbricated in the shoots in 6 (at times 7) longitudinal, spiralled rows, those on the flowering-stems usually in threes. Leaves are longer, more numerous, and usually much redder than those of Sedun acre.Flowers: Hermaphrodite, mostly 5-merous (five petaled), starry (radially symmetrical), yellow, much like those of Sedum acre, or rather paler and smaller. Petals lance-shaped, taper-pointed 4-5 (rarely 6) mm wide. Stamens in 2 circles, each provided with the same number as the petals. The ovaries are free.http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Crassulaceae/19455/Sedum_sexangulare아 정말 어렵다.
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