
  • 벨룸그렙토페타럼
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 6. 26. 21:20




    Crassulaceae (돌나물과)


    Graptopetalum (그렙토페타럼)


    Graptopetalum bellum (Moran & J. Meyran) D.R.Hunt 





    Origin and Habitat: West Mexico It was discovered by Alfred Lau in 1972. It was found in a mountainous area, altitude 4,800', on the border of Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico.
    Habitat: Grows in steep terrain and cliffs that face such that very little sun hits directly.

    Description: Perennial, succulent, herb forming flat rosettes, slowly clustering.

    Individual rosettes: Up to 10 cm in diameter almost flat to the ground.

    Leaves: Each leaf is glabrous, approximately triangular little more than 25mm long, slate-grey and can vary in shape.

    Flowers: This is possibly the largest flowered member in the Crassula family and certainly has some of the brightest flowers. Flowers are over 2,5 cm across, deep pink to red upright at the top of 10cm branched inflorescence. The single individual flowers are 5 petalled, star-shaped and have dark pink/red stamens tipped with white anthers emerging from a pink/red centre.
    Graptopetalum bellus has been oscillating between the genera Tacitus and Graptopetalum. Its affinity to Graptopetalum was noticed early on, and it was at last placed in that genus about 15 years ago, it differs from the other Graptopetalum by its large flowers that have lips around the carpels. Of course, dealers still sell it under its old name, as that's the one most of us know-and, anyway, the nurserymen are as reluctant as we are to change their labels. In 1981, the Huntington offered Tacitus bellus “Superstar'' as one of that year's ISI plants (no. 1289). This was a selfed seedling that appeared in the Huntington's collection. It has larger rosettes, greener leaves, deeper red flowers which may appear more than once a year, and has prominent bracts on the flowering stems. It may be that this is the form now most found in commerce.

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