
  • 노상환(露霜丸)-Gymnocalycium eurypleurum
    식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2017. 6. 7. 15:18

    노상환(露霜丸)-Gymnocalycium eurypleurum

    노상환(露霜丸), 용장환( 勇将丸)으로 알려져 있다.

    그러나 국표에는 없다.

    Gymnocalycium (김노칼리시움속)이 국표에서 48종이 검색되나 gymnocalycium eurypleurum종은 등록되지 않았다.

    48종 중 Gymnocalycium mihanovichii(비모란)이 35종으로 제일 많다.

    Gymnocalycium anisitsii (취황관선인장) 1종

    Gymnocalycium saglione (신천지선인장)1종

    Gymnocalycium nidulans (맹취옥선인장)1종

    Gymnocalycium hammerschmidii (양관선인장)1종

    Gymnocalycium gibbosum (구문룡선인장)1종

    Gymnocalycium denudatum (해황환선인장)5종

    Gymnocalycium cardenasianum  (광림옥선인장)1종

    Gymnocalycium baldianum (비화옥선인장)1종

    Gymnocalycium asterium (수전옥선인장)1종

    그렇다면 이것은?

    Gymnocalycium anisitsii (취황관선인장)

    Origin and Habitat: Gymnocalycium anisitsii has a fragmented population spread over a large area in Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay (extent of occurrence = 25,000 km2).

    Description: Gymnocalycium anisitsii is a very easy to grow and very free-flowering cactus, it may be solitary or freely offsetting with white flowers (but also pink). Spines 5 to 7, tortuous, up to 6 cm long. It is a very polymorphic species with a large range of variability. Two subspecies are recognized, the nominate form and subsp. multiproliferum.
    Stem: Spherical-depressed to short cylindrical, 5-8(-10) cm tall, 8-10 cm in diameter, green, pale-green bronzing in full sun, and highly decorative, often with horizontal clear and dark strips.
    Ribs: 8-11, acute, and more or less notched into chin-shape protrusions or warts.
    Radial spines: 5-7 (rarely to 9), straight or slightly tortuous, 1-6 cm long, subulate, somewhat angled, nearly useless in terms of defence. Young spine are pastel-white, yellowish or brownish with a darker tip, later becoming pale-grey.
    Central spines: Usually absent, sometimes one.
    Flowers: From the centre, funnel form, typically greenish white, but also pale pink or bright vivid pink and showy, about4- 6 cm long. Scales and outer perianth-segments broad, greenish margins, internal tepals white, broadly oblong, acute or greenish spreading. Tube thin.


    Gymnocalycium anisitsii (취황관선인장)

    Description: Gymnocalycium anisitsii is a very easy to grow and very free-flowering cactus, it may be solitary or freely offsetting with white flowers (but also pink). Spines 5 to 7, tortuous, up to 6 cm long. It is a very polymorphic species with a large range of variability. Two subspecies are recognized, the nominate form and subsp. multiproliferum.

    가시가 5~7개라 했으니 취황관선인장은 아니고

    Gymnocalycium saglione (신천지선인장)

    Origin and Habitat: Gymnocalycium saglionis has a wide range and is locally abundant in Argentina (Jujuy, Catamarca, La Rioja, Salta, San Juan, Tucumán). It was Originally found in Dept. Trancas, ca. 12 km al norte de Tapia en la ruta 9 a Vipos, 700 m, Tucumán.
    Altitude range: 240 to 2,600 metres above sea level.
    Habitat and Ecology: This cactus grows on rocky hills within monte and chaco habitats together with Echinopsis leucantha, and Trichocereus terscheckii. This species is common and abundant. It is present in several protected areas and there are no majorare no threats affecting it.
    Description: Gymnocalycium saglionis is a solitary barrel cactus, rather flattened, often very large, with long spreading and sometimes recurved spines. They are a rich brown and form a pleasing contrast against the grey green body.
    Stem: Flattened globose to shortly cylindrical more or less flattened up to 30 (40) cm in diameter, 15-30 cm tall occasionally up to 90 cm tall, dull-green or blue-green. Apex spineless.
    Ribs: 10-32 according to the size of the plant, low, very broad, sometimes 4 cm. long, separated by wavy intervals, divided into large, low, rounded tubercles.
    Areoles: About 2 to 4 cm apart, large, felted when young.
    Spines: 8 to 10 on small plants but on old plants often 15 or more, 3-4 cm long, yellowish-brown, reddish or black becoming grey with time which contrast well against the green body at first ascending, afterwards more or less curved outward.
    Central spines:1-3 almost straight
    Radial spines: 10-15 bent against the stem.
    Flowers: Broadly funnelform, white or pale pinkish, with reddish throat up to 3-4 cm long, 2-3 cm in diameter, with a very short flower’s tube; inner perianth-segments spatulate, acute; scales of the ovary nearly orbicular, rounded, with a scarious margin. The flowers forms a crown on the plant apex and have a hard time coming through the dense mass of spines.


    Gymnocalycium saglione (신천지선인장)

    The flowers forms a crown on the plant apex and have a hard time coming through the dense mass of spines.

    선인장 정점에 꽃이 있다고 했으니 신천지선인장도 아니다.?

    Gymnocalycium nidulans (맹취옥선인장)1종

    Origin and Habitat: La Rioja, Argentina.
    Altitude: 800-2900 metres above sea level.
    Habitat: It grows in various environs and elevations in hilly terrain and steep slopes, among stones, grasses and bushes together with Tephrocactus papyracanthus and Pyrrhocactus catamarcensis
    Description: Gymnocalycium hossei var. nidulans is one of the several forms of the very variable Gymnocalycium hossei which form a complex of related taxon. It is still unclear whether this variable complex is one or several species. There is so much variation even in the same population that most authors choose to lump them together. The variety "nidulans" distingushes for the dense covering of stout grey interlacing spines. The plants typically got a dull brownish-green body colour and is one of the most decorative cacti of the genus Gymnocalycium.
    Habit: It is a geophyte, stem succulent plant usually solitary and barely rising above ground level with a swollen underground root system.
    Stem: Globular, somewhat flattened and slightly depressed at the centre (or slightly elongated in cultivation), dark grey-green, olive-green, dark chocolate brown or red-violet, up to 10 cm in diameter.
    Ribs: About 17 straight, broad, flat, divided into angular warts with prominent angular chins below the the large woolly areoles , with narrow furrows between them..
    Areoles: Oval 10-15 mm apart, slightly furnished with yellowish grey wool.
    Central spine: Occasionally one central, brown, becoming grey with age up to 4 cm long.
    Radial spines: 6-7, pinkish-brown, turning grey with dark tips spreading, curving backward encasing the brown body, one pointing downward, others to the sides, brown, becoming grey with dark tips, usually up to 30 (or more) mm long, but quite variable in length.
    Flowers: Near the apex, 70 mm in length and 60 mm in diameter whitish to reddish pink, sometimes with brownish tint, with short floral tubes.

    Gymnocalycium nidulans (맹취옥선인장)

    Radial spines: 6-7이라 했으니 맹치옥선인장도 아닌 것 같다.

    Gymnocalycium hammerschmidii (양관선인장)1종

    Origin and Habitat: Province Chiquitos, department Santa Cruz, south of San Jose, Bolivia.

    Description: Gymnocalycium hammerschmidii is at most a race of Gymnocalycium chiquitanum. The key difference by which the two were separated, namely the larger stems (up to 15 cm Ø) in Gymnocalycium hammerschmidii seems entirely spurious suggesting that there is not really a fundamental difference between the two. More likely they are one and the same species and most authors have dismissed Gymnocalycium hammerschmidii as perhaps not worthy of even varietal status.

    For more details see: Gymnocalycium chiquitanum.


    Description: Gymnocalycium chiquitanum Cardenas is a small cactus with spines that wrap against the body of the plant.
    Habit: It is a perennial stem succulent rising only a few centimetres above ground level, usually solitary in habitat, but plants in the plains grow bigger and sprout more strongly, groups with a dispersion of up to one metre are no rarity.
    Stem: Depressed-spherical, grey-green to light green, sometimes bronzed in full sun, 2-4 cm or more high, 6-9 cm in diameter.
    Ribs: 6-7 rounded with prominent chinlike protrusions divided by transverse furrows.
    Tubercles: 5 mm high, 2,5 cm wide at the base.
    Areoles:1-2 cm apart, circular or elliptical, 5 mm long, covered with white to grey felt.
    Central spines: Usually absent, sometimes one, 1.5-2 cm long greyish with darker brown tip.
    Radial: spines 5-9, yellowish brown to gray, with dark tips, adpressed, somewhat curved backward, 1-2.5 cm long.
    Flowers: Funnel-shaped growing from the depression at the apex, very pale lilac-pink, sometimes white or salmon with magenta throat, 5-7 cm long and in diameter. Outer perianth segments spatulate to lanceolate, 2 cm long, pink in colour. Inner perianth segments 2,5 cm long, pointed, pinkish-lilac, violet at the base. Ovary spherical, curved, 5 mm in diameter, dark magenta in colour, with 3mm wide Tube up of long, reddish-brown or violet-red, externally with reddish scales with white edges that are up to 5 mm wide. Filaments magenta, 5 mm long; anthers yellow. Style 22 mm long, violet-red; 8 stigma lobes, yellow, 3 mm long.


    Gymnocalycium hammerschmidii (양관선인장)

    가시가 5-9라 했다. 차이가 많다. 양관선인장 아니다.

    Gymnocalycium gibbosum (구문룡선인장)1종

    Origin and Habitat: This species is widely distributed in the mountains of Argentina from the south of the Buenos Aires province to Patagonia (Chubut, La Pampa, Mendoza, Río Negro, Santa Cruz and San Luis) and show a great variability in morphological traits.

    Description: Gymnocalycium gibbosum is a small solitary cactus. It is a quite variable species. This polymorphism has led some authors to describe a lot of unnecessary varieties.
    Stem: Deep glaucous-green, olive green, brown to grey-black, discoidal that became elonged with time 10-25 cm tall, up to 12 cm in diameter, the apex is slightly woolly.
    Ribs: 10-16 straight, divided in well distinct angular ribs.
    Areoles: Whitish-grey, elonged.
    Radial spines: 5-7 (-9) 20-25 mm long slightly bent against the plants body, clear brown with a darker base when young, becoming whitish-grey with a black base as they age.
    Central spines: 0-2 very similar to the radials.
    Flowers: Infundibuliform in the nearest periphery just around the apex 45-60 mm long, 60-65 in diameter. Tepals ivory white with a brownish mid rib or occasionally reddish, throat greenish with a basal reddish area. Style white-greenish, stigma white. Anthers cream coloured.

    Gymnocalycium gibbosum (구문룡선인장)

    가시가 곧다,5-9개다. 구문룡선인장도 아니다.

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