엔젤 펠라고니움식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2017. 5. 31. 14:59
엔젤 펠라고니움
국표에는 없다. 확실하게 학명이 정해진 것 같지 않다.
아직 연구해야할 문제가 많은 것 같다.
Angel Pelargoniums make attractive, bushy plants having small round leaves and pansy or viola like flowers. They always flower in profusion and can be grown as a pot plant or in hanging baskets and are very successful on the show bench. They can also be used outside as summer bedding either by themselves or as mixed planting. Angels are easy to overwinter requiring minimum frost free conditions and good light. Feed with a high potash feed during the growing season and deadhead regularly.https://www.fibrex.co.uk/collections/pelargoniums/angel
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