장미 '랜도라'식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2017. 5. 30. 15:49
장미 '랜도라'
과명 - Rosaceae (장미과)
속명 - Rosa (장미속)
Rosa 'Landora'
추천명 장미 '랜도라'
이명 외국명 Memorial rose
Roses have always been very popular plants, and not just for their very characteristic blooms. Their pleasant fragrance is another good reason to adopt a representative from amongst this romantic family of plants. Feathered, deep green leaves with a finely serrated edge round off their charm. Last but not least, the cultural significance of roses has long been undisputed.https://www.floragard.de/en/Pflanzeninfothek/Pflanzen/229522_Rose/