
  • 마티티오
    식물/들꽃-용수과(Didieraceae) 2017. 4. 17. 12:34


    alluaudia procera

    alluaudia comosa





    마티티오[alluaudia comosa]로 소개되었다.


    학명 국명 국표에는 없다.


    alluaudia만 검색

    재배식물 정명 Alluaudia humbertii Choux 흄베르티알루아우디아 2011/12/08

    이 한 종만 검색되었다.


    마티티오 [Alluaudia asccndens-matiidio]



    국명은 같지만 학명에서 차이가


    수집처가 경기도 고양시인 것으로 보아 이 식물이 있는 곳으로 보인다.


    Alluaudia asccndens-matiidio도 국표에는 없다.

    Alluaudia asccndens도 국표에는 없다.






    By Stan Shebs, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=925917

    완도수목원에서 밝힌 학명의 이미지



    By Michael Wolf - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17958634

    고양꽃전시관의 학명의 이미지




    alluaudia procera로 보인다.?

    Alluaudia procera, or Madagascar ocotillo, is a deciduous succulent plant species of the family Didiereaceae. It is endemic to south Madagascar.

    This plant is a spiny succulent shrub, with thick water-storing stems and leaves that are deciduous in the long dry season. Although strikingly similar in appearance, it is not closely related to the ocotillo, Fouquieria splendens of the Sonoran Deserts in North America.

    Young alluaudias form a tangle of stems that last for several years after which a strong central stem develops. The basal stems then die out leaving a tree-like stem that branches higher up on the main trunk.

    Like other members of family Didiereaceae, the leaves of Alluaudia, produced from brachyblasts similar to areoles found in cacti, are small, appear single and are accompanied with conical spines. Its flowers are unisexual and radially symmetric.


    Alluaudia ascendens is a species of Alluaudia endemic to Madagascar. It can reach 15 m in height. Its local name is fantsiolotse.



    alluaudia comosa

    Grows to 3m high with dense spines and oblong deciduous leaves. Drake SW Madagascar. Grows to 3m high with dense spines and oblong deciduous leaves. See p. 72 of Rauh's Succulent plants of Madagascar for photos and description.















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