알루아우디아 프로체라-Alluaudia procera식물/들꽃-용수과(Didieraceae) 2021. 9. 25. 13:56
국표에는 Alluaudia속이
Alluaudia humbertii Choux[알루아우디아 흄베르티] 한 종이다.
Alluaudia procera은 없다.
Alluaudia procera, or Madagascar ocotillo, is a deciduous succulent plant species of the family Didiereaceae. It is endemic to south Madagascar.
This plant is a spiny succulent shrub, with thick water-storing stems and leaves that are deciduous in the long dry season. Although strikingly similar in appearance, it is not closely related to the ocotillo, Fouquieria splendens of the Sonoran Deserts in North America.
Young alluaudias form a tangle of stems that last for several years, after which a strong central stem develops. The basal stems then die out, leaving a tree-like stem that branches higher up on the main trunk.
Like other members of family Didiereaceae, the leaves of Alluaudia, produced from brachyblasts similar to the areoles found in cacti, are small, appear single and are accompanied with conical spines. Its flowers are unisexual and radially symmetric.
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