카트와비엔세만병초식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2017. 4. 13. 11:59
과명 Ericaceae (진달래과) 속명 Rhododendron (진달래속)
Rhododendron catawbiense Michx.
추천명 카트와비엔세만병초
이명 외국명 Rhododendron catawba,Rosebay Mountain
국표에 Rhododendron (진달래속)은 자생식물 4종 재배식물에 131종이나
전체 135 건 페이지 (1/14) 페이지
과별검색 상세목록 종분류 구분 학명 국명 최종수정일 자생식물 정명 Rhododendron brachycarpum D.Don ex G.Don 만병초 2009/11/25 자생식물 정명 Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq. 굴거리나무 2003/11/30 자생식물 정명 Rhododendron brachycarpum var. roseum Koidz. 홍만병초 2004/02/26 자생식물 정명 Rhododendron aureum Georgi 노랑만병초 2014/08/07 재배식물 정명 Rhododendron 'Fantastica' 만병초 '판타스티카' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Rhododendron 'Everestianum' 만병초 '에베레스티아눔' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Rhododendron 'Everest' 만병초 '에베레스트' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Rhododendron 'English Roseum' 만병초 '잉글리시 로제움' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Rhododendron 'Elizabeth' 만병초 '엘리자베스' 2011/12/08 재배식물 정명 Rhododendron 'Elisabeth Hobbie' 만병초 '엘리자베스 하비' 2011/12/08 Rhododendron catawbiense, with common names Catawba rosebay, Catawba rhododendron, mountain rosebay, purple ivy, purple laurel, purple rhododendron, red laurel, rosebay, rosebay laurel, is a species of Rhododendron native to the eastern United States, growing mainly in the southern Appalachian Mountains from Virginia south to northern Alabama.
It is a dense, suckering shrub growing to 3 m tall, rarely 5 m. The leaves are evergreen, 6–12 cm long and 2–4 cm broad. The flowers are 3-4.5 cm diameter, violet-purple, often with small spots or streaks. The fruit is a dry capsule 15–20 mm long, containing numerous small seeds.
The species is named after the Catawba River.
Rhododendron catawbiense belongs to the Subgenus Hymenanthes, within which it is further assigned to Section Ponticum and Subsection Pontica. The latter — one of the 24 subsections of Ponticum — also contains about a dozen other species. The taxonomy has been confused by a tendency to group all large leaved Rhododendrons under the catch-all R. catawbiense.
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