
  • 치커리
    식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2016. 8. 26. 15:44



    과명 Asteraceae (국화과) 속명 Cichorium (꽃상추속)
    전체학명 Cichorium intybus L. 추천명
    이명   외국명 Blue-sailors,Witloof,Chicory Common,Chicory,Succory

    Common chicory, Cichorium intybus is a somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion family, usually with bright blue flowers, rarely white or pink. Many varieties are cultivated for salad leaves, chicons (blanched buds), or roots (var. sativum), which are baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute and additive. It is also grown as a forage crop for livestockIt lives as a wild plant on roadsides in its native Europe, and is now common in North America, China, and Australia, where it has become widely naturalized.

    "Chicory" is also the common name in the United States for curly endive (Cichorium endivia); these two closely related species are often confused.


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    치커리는 약한 완하제 를 함유하고 있습니다.소화불량 , 소화 불량 , 변비 와 같은 소화기 문제 에 유익한 효과 로 변비 와 소화 장애 로 치료 를 받는 어린이 에게 특히 적합 합니다 . 또한 간과 담낭에서 담즙의 분비를 증가시켜 배뇨와 유해물질의 배설을 촉진하여 담석  간결석
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    허브 피크닉: 치커리 (herbalpicnic.blogspot.com)


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