페튜니아식물/들꽃-가지과(Solanaceae) 2016. 6. 19. 18:37
과명 Solanaceae (가지과) 속명 Petunia (페튜니아속) 전체학명 Petunia x hybrida E.Vilm. Fl. Pleine Terre 1 : 615-616 (1863) 추천명 페튜니아 이명 외국명 Petunia commonPetunia 처음 포스팅할때와 국명과 학명이 바뀌었다.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPetunia is genus of 35 species of flowering plants of South American origin, closely related to tobacco, cape gooseberries, tomatoes, deadly nightshades, potatoes and chili peppers in the same family, Solanaceae. The popular flower of the same name derived its epithet from the French, which took the word petun, meaning "tobacco," from a Tupi–Guarani language. An annual, most of the varieties seen in gardens are hybrids (P. × atkinsiana, also known as P. × hybrida).
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