프리스마티카 붓꽃식물/들꽃-붓꽃과(Iridaceae) 2016. 1. 19. 13:29
과명 Iridaceae (붓꽃과) 속명 Iris (붓꽃속) 전체학명 Iris prismatica Pursh
추천명 프리스마티카 붓꽃 이명 외국명 국표에는 없다.
Iris prismatica, the slender blue flag or cubeseed iris, is a plant species native to parts of the southern and eastern United States from Maine south to Alabama, as well as to the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Nova Scotia.
Iris prismatica is a perennial herb spreading by means of rhizomes that are close to the surface of the soil. Flowering stalks can reach a height of 80 cm. Leaves are long and narrow, up to 60 cm long but rarely more than 5 mm across. It has 2–3 blooms in May. Flowers are pale blue to blue-violet. It tends to grow in swampy, wet conditions, and within the United States, it is currently state listed as 'threatened' in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Tennessee, and state listed as 'endangered' in Maryland and Pennsylvania. It is cold hardy to USDA Zone 3.
워낙 어려워서 자생 같은 데.........
재배식물이라고.........골붓꽃은 등심붓꽃이라고도.
등심붓꽃 Sisyrinchium atlanticum E.P.Bicknell 은 이명으로
흰등심붓꽃 Sisyrinchium angustifolium f. album J.K.Sim & Y.S.Kim 은 정명으로
그러나 다 붓꽃속이 아닌 것으로
귀화식물 등심붓꽃 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. 정명으로 처리등심붓꽃(Sisyrinchium)은 붓꽃속(Iris)이 아니다.
붓꽃속에는 골붓꽃이 없나?
강화에서 보았는데.
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