유베나알로에식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2014. 9. 2. 19:11
국표에는 없다.
과명 - Liliaceae (백합과)
속명 Aloe (알로에속) 전체학명
Aloe juvenna
추천명 유베나알로에
이명 외국명 Aloe juvenna – Tiger Tooth Aloe
Scientific Name-> Aloe juvenna Brandham & S. Carter
common names->Tiger Tooth Aloe
Aloe juvenna is a small clump-forming succulent. Stem erect up to 4 – 12 inches (10 – 30 cm) tall. Branching from the base. Bright green (reddish to brown in full sun), toothy-margined leaves, flecked with cream-white prominent spots. The inflorescence is unbranched spike, up to 10 inches (25 cm) tall with bright coral-pink to orange-red flowers with yellow-green mouth. - See more at: http://www.worldofsucculents.com/aloe-juvenna-tiger-tooth-aloe/#sthash.W3mhP15u.dpuf
Scientific Name-> Aloe variegata L. =Aloe juvenna Brandham & S. Carter=Aloe juvenna
common names->Tiger Tooth Aloe->Tiger Aloe
비취전으로 소개되었다.
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