Begonia sericoneura Liebm.식물/들꽃-베고니아과(Begoniaceae) 2025. 3. 6. 10:01
국표에 없다.
Plant discovered by Anders S. Oersted on thePhantasmo mountain at 1400 meters above sea level, in the province of Segovia, Nicaragua. At the time of the discovery, the plant was inearly bloom in January 1848.
The species was described and named in 1852 by Frederik Michael Liebmann in Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn, page 13 (published on February 4, 1853).
The specific epithet sericoneura comes from serico (silky) and neuro (vein).
The species is part of the section Gireoudia.The leaves, green, shiny and silky, are broad and slightly round, ending in a point, and having marked veins. Their ciliated border is distinctly serrated. The flowers, in clusters at the end of long stems, are white and pendulous.
Rare in collections, it is a plant that is propagated mainly by seed, but you can also take suckers from its base.
This species requires a lot of room for full development. As you can see from my specimen in the open ground collection, it is not a particularly decorative species, as there are never many leaves on the plant.
A light plant that requires the substrate to dry out between waterings.There are a handful of cultivars, of which, to my knowledge, only B. 'Virginia Jens' created by Paul P. Lowe in the early 2000s following a cross with B. crassicaulis seems to me to be deserving.
Begonia sericoneura | My collection of botanical Begonias (wordpress.com)
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