Helichrysum citrispinum Delile식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2025. 3. 2. 20:17
국표에 없다.
InformationFruticose; branches divaricate, terete, pale-tomentose, leafy and spinous above. Leaves linear-lanceolate or oblong, obtuse or subacute, revolute, sessile, not narrowed at the base, often crowded in terminal tufts, incano-pubescent on both sides, about 1/3 in. long, upper often with axillary spines about 1/2 in. long. Capitula widely campanulate, 1/3– 1/2 in. long, solitary at the ends of the short leafy branches. Scales of involucre pluriseriate, scarious, lanceolate, subobtuse, coriaceous at base, outer shorter. Receptacle foveolate; margins of pits with toothed margins. Flowers all hermaphrodite. Corolla-lobes nigro-punctate. Achenes shortly pubescent; hairs shining.DistributionAbyssinia Nile Land Schimper! Roth! Ferret and Galinier! 11–13,000 ft. alt.Helichrysum citrispinum in Global Plants on JSTOR
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