Inula confertiflora A. Rich.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2025. 3. 2. 17:36
국표에 없다.
InformationShrubby below, much branched above; branches terete, striate, albido-tomentellous and leafy at extremities. Leaves elongate-lanceolate, acute, narrowed at the base, shortly petioled, denticulate, albido-tomentellous beneath, nearly glabrous above, reticulate, submembranous, 1 1/2–5 in. long by 1/3–1 1/3 in. wide; denticulation gland-tipped. Capitula subhemispherical, 1/2– 2/3 in. diameter, many-flowered, on unequal bracteate pedicels ranging up to 1 in. long, in dense corymbose or rounded terminal cymes 3–7 in. wide; bracts foliaceous. Scales of the involucre multiseriate, unequal, imbricate, ciliate; inner linear acute; outer successively shorter, more obtuse lanceolate and hairy at the back. Receptacle flat, naked, 1/8 in. diameter. Outer fl. ligulate. Achenes oblong, terete, about 10-costate, 1/15 in. long, with few short erect-patent setæ near apex. Pappus uniseriate, pale-fulvous, minutely scabrid.DistributionAbyssinia Nile Land Schimper! Q. Dillon and Petit! Roth!Inula confertiflora in Global Plants on JSTOR
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