Pendulous epiphyte or sometimes on rocks; stems (10–)30–150 cm long, dichotomously branched, 1–1.5 cm wide including leaves. Leaves loosely arranged, not entirely hiding the stem, 2–3-ranked, lanceolate, 8–12(–15) mm long, 1.5–3(–4) mm wide, acute at the apex but usually not sharp, not or scarcely coriaceous, ± erect or spreading at about 45°. Fertile parts strobiliform and usually well differentiated from leaves (but sometimes sporangia in axils of leaves indistinguishable from foliage leaves), 2–30(–40) cm long, dichotomously branched, often interrupted by a groupof vegetative leaves. Sporophylls ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2–4 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, ± acute, adpressed or closely imbricate but often not entirely hiding the axis, often shiny. Sporangia yellow, 1.2–1.5 mm wide. Fig. 1 (page 8).
Altitude range
(1600–)1800–3250 m
KENYA Elgeyo District Kaibwibich peak, 6 Aug. 1969, Mabberley & McCall 158!KENYA South Nyeri District Mt Kenya, Kamweti track, 26 Jan. 1969, Faden 69/092!;KENYA Teita District Taita Hills, Yale Peak, 13 Sept. 1953, Drummond & Hemsley 4321!TANZANIA Moshi District Kilimanjaro, above Kidia (Old Moshi), 18 Jan. 1997, Hemp 1442!;TANZANIA Kondoa District Kinyassi Mt, Feb. 1928, B.D. Burtt 1837! & 1838!;TANZANIA Morogoro District Uluguru Mts, Bondwa Hill, 23 Mar. 1953, Drummond & Hemsley 1769!UGANDA Toro District Ruwenzori, near Nyamuleju Hut, 18 June 1968, Manum 99! & Ruwenzori, Mubuku crossing, August 1931, Fishlock & Hancock 155!;UGANDA Mbale District Mt Nkokonjeru, 20 Dec. 1924, Snowden 951!
Distribution (external)
Bioko,Cameroon,Congo (Kinshasa),Rwanda,Burundi,Sudan,Ethiopia,Malawi,Mozambique,Zimbabwe,
South Africa;Madagascar
Huperzia ophioglossoides in Global Plants on JSTOR