
  • Huperzia ophioglossoides (Lam.) Rothm.
    식물/들꽃-석송과(Lycopodiaceae) 2025. 3. 2. 11:23

    국표에 없다.


    Huperzia ophioglossoides (Lam.) Rothm. [family LYCOPODIACEAE ] (stored under name); Verified by Burrows, J.E.,
    Related name
    • Huperzia afromontana
    • Huperzia ophioglossoides
    Huperzia ophioglossoides (Lam.) Rothm. [family LYCOPODIACEAE], in F.R. 54: 62 (1944); Tardieu in Fl. Madag. 13 & 13 bis: 40, fig. 8/9–12 (1971); Schippers in Fern Gaz. 14: 175 (1993); Faden in U.K.W.F. ed. 2: 38 (1994). Type: Mauritius (Isle de France), Commerson (P-LAM, holo.) (microfiche!)
    Lycopodium ophioglossoides Lam. [family LYCOPODIACEAE], Encycl. Méth. Bot. 3: 646 (1789); Chr. in Dansk Bot. Arkiv 7: 192 (1932); Alston in Exell, Cat. Vasc. Pl. São Tomé: 96 (1944) & Ferns W. Tr. Afr.: 12 (1959); Tardieu, Fl. Cameroun 3: 12, t. 1/12–19 (1964); Schelpe, F.Z. Pterid.: 18, t. 3 (1970); Schelpe, & Diniz, Fl. Moçamb. Pterid.: 13 (1979); W. Jacobsen, Ferns S. Afr. 13, fig. 79 (1893); Schelpe & N.C. Anthony, F.S.A. Pterid.: 9, fig. 4/3 (1986); Burrows, S. Afr. Ferns: 16, t. 1/6, fig. 3/6, 6a (1990)
    Lycopodium gnidioides [family LYCOPODIACEAE], sensu Peter, F.D.-O.A. 1: 88 (1929), non L.f.
    Urostachys ellenbeckii Nessel [family LYCOPODIACEAE], in F.R. 36: 188, t. 175 (1934). Type: Ethiopia, ‘Schoa u Galla Hochland’, Ellenbeck s.n. (BONN-Nessel 544 pro parte, lecto.)
    Urostachys adolfi-friederici Nessel [family LYCOPODIACEAE], Bärlappgewächse: 226 (1939) (nom. inval.) quoad Mildbraed 1358 (BM!, photo) (later the name was validated in Rev. Sudam. Bot. 6: 167 (1940) with Fishlock 83 from Ghana as type) (see note)
    Huperzia ellenbeckii (Nessel) Pic.Serm. [family LYCOPODIACEAE], in Webbia 23: (1968)
    Huperzia afromontana Pic.Serm. [family LYCOPODIACEAE], in Webbia 27: 394, fig. 2 (1973) & in B.J.B.B. 53: 183 (1983); Faden in U.K.W.F. ed. 2: 38 adnot (1994). Type: Burundi, Bururi, Mt Bururi, Lewalle 3468 (Herb. Pic. Serm. 24932, holo.)
    Pendulous epiphyte or sometimes on rocks; stems (10–)30–150 cm long, dichotomously branched, 1–1.5 cm wide including leaves. Leaves loosely arranged, not entirely hiding the stem, 2–3-ranked, lanceolate, 8–12(–15) mm long, 1.5–3(–4) mm wide, acute at the apex but usually not sharp, not or scarcely coriaceous, ± erect or spreading at about 45°. Fertile parts strobiliform and usually well differentiated from leaves (but sometimes sporangia in axils of leaves indistinguishable from foliage leaves), 2–30(–40) cm long, dichotomously branched, often interrupted by a groupof vegetative leaves. Sporophylls ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2–4 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, ± acute, adpressed or closely imbricate but often not entirely hiding the axis, often shiny. Sporangia yellow, 1.2–1.5 mm wide. Fig. 1 (page 8).
    Altitude range
    (1600–)1800–3250 m
    KENYA Elgeyo District Kaibwibich peak, 6 Aug. 1969, Mabberley & McCall 158!KENYA South Nyeri District Mt Kenya, Kamweti track, 26 Jan. 1969, Faden 69/092!;KENYA Teita District Taita Hills, Yale Peak, 13 Sept. 1953, Drummond & Hemsley 4321!TANZANIA Moshi District Kilimanjaro, above Kidia (Old Moshi), 18 Jan. 1997, Hemp 1442!;TANZANIA Kondoa District Kinyassi Mt, Feb. 1928, B.D. Burtt 1837! & 1838!;TANZANIA Morogoro District Uluguru Mts, Bondwa Hill, 23 Mar. 1953, Drummond & Hemsley 1769!UGANDA Toro District Ruwenzori, near Nyamuleju Hut, 18 June 1968, Manum 99! & Ruwenzori, Mubuku crossing, August 1931, Fishlock & Hancock 155!;UGANDA Mbale District Mt Nkokonjeru, 20 Dec. 1924, Snowden 951!
    Distribution (external)
    Bioko,Cameroon,Congo (Kinshasa),Rwanda,Burundi,Sudan,Ethiopia,Malawi,Mozambique,Zimbabwe,
    South Africa;Madagascar

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