Gentianodes algida식물/들꽃-용담과(Gentianaceae) 2025. 1. 14. 10:07
국표엔 산용담으로Gentiana algida Pall.
Gentiana algida. Synonym: Gentianodes algida. (Arctic Gentian)
Gentianaceae (Gentian Family)Subalpine, alpine. Meadows, streamsides. Summer, fall.
Sharkstooth Trail, August 30, 2004.Arctic Gentian is a late summer bloomer that can be abundant over large areas of alpine meadows. The flower is several inches tall, almost as tall as the entire plant. Flowers are creamy white to green white, with very strong streaks of purple on the outside and dots of purple on the inside. The plant is very easily overlooked.
The basal cluster of leaves is evident long before the flowers emerge.
"Gentianodes" is Greek for "similar to a Gentian". "Algida" is from the Latin for "cold".
This plant was first collected in Siberia and described in 1788.
Southwest Colorado Wildflowers, Gentianodes algida (swcoloradowildflowers.com)
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