Epidendrum alsum Ridl.식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2024. 12. 25. 21:11
Epidendrum alsum is a species of flowering plant in the family Orchidaceae, native to south-east Venezuela and Guyana. It was first described by Henry Nicholas Ridley in 1886.
Epidendrum alsum is one of the less colorful orchid flowers here on top of Roraima.
According to Flora of the Venezuelan Guyana Vol 4:
“Both Epidendrum ulei and alsum are two of several members of the Epidendrum dendroobioides-durum complex, a group of mainly terrestrial taxa usually restricted to sandstone-derived or boggy substrates”.A couple of characters separating ulei and alsum from each other: ulei is potentially much taller – 50- 150 cm tall vs 25-40 cm for alsum yellow flowers of alsum vs greenish yellow or green for ulei.
Native range is the Guyana Shield.
Epidendrum alsum | Morten Ross
Description: Perennial herb with stem-like stems that are erect, leafy in the upper part, 20–25(–35) cm tall. Leaves sessile to embracing, alternate, on stem double-rowed, lanceolate to ovate, 20–35 mm long and 15–20 mm wide, margins curved downwards to undercoiled, apex with a set tip, leathery, distinctly keeled. Inflorescence terminal, panicle, distinctly longer than leaves, composed of downward-drooping 5–8-flowered racemes, their spindles "zigzag" angular; bracts 4–5 mm long; flowers are small, often desolate, outer petals elliptic, 6–7 mm long, yellowish-green, inner 4.5–5.5 mm long, narrower than the outer, lip shuttle-shaped, about 6 mm long. The fruit is a capsule.
Threat and protection: It is subject to the protection of the international convention on trade in endangered species CITES.
EPIDENDRUM ALSUM Ridl. – Postromice | BOTANY.cz
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