
  • Lithops terricolor C254
    식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2024. 12. 4. 11:20

    국표에 없다.

    Lithops localis

    Lithops peersii

    Lithops terricolor C254 (syn. peersii) 30 km ENE of Willowmore, South Africa (Lithops localis C254 (syn. peersii) 30 km ENE of Willowmore, South Africa) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

    Origin and Habitat: 30 km East-North-East of Willowmore, South Africa.
    Habitat: They grow, always almost completely buried, with only the windowed faces showing at the soil surface, preferably among pebbles of fine-grained sandstone, and siltstone.


    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Living Stone, Stone Plant
    ITALIAN (Italiano): Pianta Sasso


    Description: Lithops localis (syn: Lithops peersii) belongs to the group of the yellow- blooming living stones and is distinguished especially by the pellucid dots regularly scattered over the top surface of the leaves and with a small window. The patterns of colour and dots on the face is more or less regular within certain ranges of similarity. For this species, the numerous dots (small windows) are very specific ranging in colour from dark grey through browns to purple. It is generally smaller than most Lithops and conforms to the typical Lithops morphology: two thick, fleshy windowed leaves separated by a crack from which a yellow flower appears. The windowed part allows light into the inner portion of the leaf where the process of photosynthesis is carried out.
    Habit: It is an acaulescent perennial, geophytic, succulent, very seldom solitary, usually found in clumps of 6-10 plants up to 3, 5 cm high, but also forming cushions with 20 or more heads.
    Root: Quite shallow, with a slightly thickened axis and thin, lateral, fibrous roots.
    Bodies (Paired leaves): Small to medium, compact, obconic, truncate, 15-30 mm long, 12-24 mm broad, fissure fairly deep and widely gaping. Tops of leaves, mostly elliptic, slightly to strongly convex, smooth, opaque dark or pale green or variously coloured comprising pale pinkish, yellowish, greenish or bluish grey, or pinkish, yellowish or reddish brown, or greyish blue, green or lilac. Windows sometimes completely open or partly occluded, but usually absent with numerous
    dark-green dots in it, or window forming smaller areas with dark-green dots or covered only with numerous dark-green separate or confluent dots; separate dots on the margin and sides; sometimes numerous about 20 black dots distributed more or less evenly over both lobes, or a few only on one lobe or absent altogether. Islands usually small, few to many, very irregular. Channels usually not distinguishable. Rubrication absent, dusky dots usually very numerous, superficial and clearly visible. Margins normally not distinguishable, sometimes fairly well-defined.
    Flowers: Daisy-like, diurnal, small about (12-)20-30(-35) mm in diameter, yellow, sometimes with white centre.
    Blooming season: Autumn (in habitat blooms in April)
    Fruits: Fruits mostly 5 chambered profile boat-shaped, top flat to slightly convex or peaked, faces broadly elliptic to almost round.


    Lithops terricolor C254 (syn. peersii) 30 km ENE of Willowmore, South Africa (llifle.com)


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