
  • Lithops julii subs. fulleri (N.E.Br.) B.Fearn
    식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2024. 12. 1. 10:35

    국표에 없다.

    Lithops julii subs. fulleri (N.E.Br.) B.Fearn
    Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 31 (3) 59 [Set. 1976]
    Family: AIZOACEAE

    Origin and Habitat: District Kenhardt, Namaqualand, Northern Cape, Republic of South Africa.
    Habitat: It grows on fine or coarse pegmatitic granite, calcrete in granitic soil. Background colours white, grey, pink and brown. The plants mimic the small, haphazardly arranged rocks that surround them. They grow embedded in the soil and can tolerate extreme hight temperature and only temperature that exceed 60° C are lethal.


    Description: Lithops juliiSN|12138]]SN|13037]] subs. fulleri is a very pretty distinct subspecies of the variable Lithops juliiSN|13037]]SN|13037]] sometime regarded as a separate species. It has shoulders, margins and islands light creamy greenish grey, margins edged with a light brownish-green, especially in the indentations. Windows and channels opaque greyish blue-green. Rubrications obscure dark red-brown. The rust-brown lines mainly between the lobes of the margin is a specific characteristic of this subspecies. Moreover subs. fulleri lacks the “lip-smears” which is a typical feature of the other subspecies.
    Habit: It is a stemless small to medium sized species that grows solitary or forming clumps of 2 or up to 15 8or more) bodies.
    Body (paired leaves): Cone-shaped, or obconic, elliptic in outline 25 mm high, 20-30 mm broad, and 16-20 mm thick, separated by a 5-12 mm deep fissure, dividing it into two contiguous, (usually) conjunct lobes; Faces slightly reniform usually flat, at times scarcely convex often rough from being covered with small bumps caused by numerous impressed dendritic markings. Margin smooth, light dove-grey with a slight violaceous tint; window large, dark-green; projections from margins into window raised above the level of the window surface and giving the top a rough appearance; projections forming at times numerous small islands of the same colour as sides, thereby dividing the window into small, more or less confluent areas; sometimes depressions between the ridges with interconnected impressed bright rust-brown lines making a very pleasing contrast, or at times the lines only to be seen between the short lobes of the inner and outer margins; inner and outer margins at times deeply lobed, lobes irregularly shaped. It is however very variable in colour, some specimens being opaque whitish-grey and almost uniform in colour, others opaque but strongly reticulated with fine impressed brown markings, yet others with largely open obscurely translucent windows.
    Flowers: Single, white, daisy-like, emerging from the fissure and as large as the pair of fleshy leaves below.
    Blooming season: From mid-summer through fall.
    Fruit: Seed capsules-loculed, top flatted or slightly convex, faces elliptic.
    Seeds: Yellow-brown to light yellow-brown.
    Similar species: It is vaguely similar to Lithops karasmontanaSN|13037]]SN|12138]], but is readily distinguished from that species by its more crowded dendritic markings, rougher top, and different colouration, and these two species have nothing in common with one another.

    Lithops julii subs. fulleri (llifle.com)



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