Streblus heterophyllus (Blume) Corner식물/들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae) 2024. 11. 12. 12:52
국표에 없다.
A thin-twigged bushy plant bearing small 5-10mm long leaves that have large gaps in the edge growing into a tree with small oval slightly toothed leaves. Adult leaves 8-25mm long, sometimes “fiddle-shaped”, vein network easily visible underneath. Flowers small in short spike. Fruit red, 4-5mm wide.
Red/Pink, White
Streblus heterophyllus • New Zealand Plant Conservation Network (nzpcn.org.nz)
Streblus heterophyllus is an erect shrub with small leaves. Juveniles have slender, interlaced branches with lobed leaves. The tiny flowers are borne on short erect spikes. Formerly known as Paratrophis microphylla.
An endemic species found in lowland forest throughout New Zealand.
Vegetative characteristics
Reproductive characteristics
Plant form: tree up to 12 m
Arrangement of parts: symmetric
Juvenile form: shrub with flexuous, interlacing branches
Flower size: 2-3 mm diam.
Leaf form: undivided, elliptic; juvenle broad-oval, lobed
Leaf size: 1-4 cm
Tepals (sepals indistinguishable from petals): 4, green
Leaf arrangement: singly along stem
Sexuality: unisexual on different plants
Leaf attachment: stipule
Stamens: 4
Leaf margin: toothed; juv toothed or lobed
Ovary: above petals
Leaf surface: hairs
Fruit: fleshy
Streblus heterophyllus - The University of Auckland
'식물 > 들꽃-뽕나무과(Moraceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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