Isolatocereus dumortieri (Scheidw.) Backeb.식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 27. 11:08
국표에 없다.
Origin and Habitat: Isolatocereus dumortieriSN|7939]]SN|7939]] is endemic to Mexico, where it is widely distributed. It occurs in the states of Aguascalientes, Federal District, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, and Veracruz.
Habitat and Ecology: The species is found in xerophyllous scrub, tropical deciduous forest, grasslands and perturbed tropical deciduous forest. It can grow on slopes or rocky cliffs. S. dumortieri and Cephalocereus senilisSN|6893]]SN|6893]] can be the dominant species in xerophyllous scrub in the Barranca de Meztitlán Reserve. The reproductive period of S. dumortieri is during the dry season, and it is the key species in the ecosystem, and many species of birds, bats and insects feed from its nectar, pollen and fruits during the dry season thanks to its capacity to store water and nutriment. The ringtail(Bassariscus astutus) eat the fruits and seeds of S. dumortieri. The bats are also considered efficient seed dispersers of this columnar cactus. Most of seeds are dispersed in fecal clumps, whereas the remaining seeds are spitted as single seeds. Seeds deposited individually around the mother plant may be of importance for local restoration and have the function of reforesting the locality, whereas ingested seeds can reach long distances and colonize new areas. There are no threats to the species.Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Candelabra cactus
SPANISH (Español): Candelabro, Organo, Pitayo, Moco, Moco de Dios7939' alt='7670'>Cereus dumortieri#SN#7940'>Isolato[[Cereus dumortieriSN' style='border:none;'> is a large candelabra-like cactus, often tree-like, 6 to 15 meters high, with a well-defined woody trunk, more than one metre long, and 30 cm in diameter and has multiple branches. The branches are erect almost from the first, with numerous constrictions, very pale bluish green or somewhat glaucous. IsolatoSN'>
7939' alt='8043'>Cereus dumortieri#SN#7940'>Isolato[[Cereus dumortieriSN' style='border:none;'> was also known as Cereus, Lemaireocereus, Stenocereus and Rathbunia in prior lives. It was common a few years ago as LemaireoSN'>
7943' alt='7940'>Cereus dumortieri#SN#7940'>Lemaireo[[Cereus dumortieriSN' style='border:none;'>. It possesses several unique morphological features such as the small, nearly contiguous areoles, as well as its short, nearly tubular nocturnal flowers and spineless fruit, but the scales of the ovary sometimes subtend bristles, if not spines, in their axils. Greenhouse plants much resemble PachySN'>
8047' alt='7940'>Cereus marginatus#SN#8043'>Pachy[[Cereus marginatusSN' style='border:none;'>, and both species have small flowers; but the wild plants are very unlike and the fruit and seeds differ widely. Mature specimens superficially resemble PachySN'>
7669' alt='7940'>Cereus weberi#SN#7670'>Pachy[[Cereus weberiSN' style='border:none;'>.
Stem: Trunk proper short, 6 to 10 dm long, 3 dm in diameter or more, woody. Branches many, erect almost from the first and curved inward slightly, with numerous constrictions, very pale bluish green or somewhat glaucous.
Ribs:** Generally 6, sometimes or 5 or 7, occasionally up to 9 on very old joints, triangular, with straight margins, obtuse, to 2 cm high.
Areoles: Elliptic, approximate or often confluent with age, grey-felted.
Spines: Various in number and in length, of which 6-9 (or more) radials to 1 cm, and 1-4 central, the longer ones often 5 cm long, all at first yellowish or straw-colored but in age blackened.
Flowers: Arising from apical areoles that flower more than once, sometimes forming a
crown, open during the night but lasting until midday, odorless, tubular to funnelform, short, pale green to white, to 5 cm long, the tube and ovary bearing small ovate scales with bunches of felt and occasionally bristles in their axils, the limb about 2.5 cm broad.
Fruit: Oblong, small, 2.5 to 4 cm long, reddish-orange within, not spiny, its areoles nearly contiguous, felted and dehiscent when mature.
Seeds: Brownish, mm long, dull, roughened.
Phenology:*** The reproductive period of I. dumortieri begins during the dry season in January and ends when the last fruits drop in July.Isolatocereus dumortieri (llifle.com)
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