
  • Huernia guttata (Masson) R.Br. ex Haw.
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 15. 16:01

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape. The typical plants occur mainly in the Eastern Cape from Somerset East southwards towards Kirkwood and at Uniondale.

    Description: Huernia guttataSN|22523]]SN|22523]] is a small, tufted perennial succulents with upright, thick, toothed, 4- to 5- angled stems usually less than 7 cm tall. Its beautiful 5 lobed flowers appear in groups of 2 to 4 at the base of new shoots. The bell-shaped corolla has five lobes with appendages between them and a conspicuous, convex fleshy ring or annulus with a shiny surface in the centre, the inner face is yellow and dotted with crimson, the marks are much larger, sometimes confluent on the annulus, but quite variable. The typical plants are recognised by their smaller flowers, spotted or lined tube and dull annulus with short inwardly pointed hairs at the tube mouth.
    Hystory: Huernia guttataSN|22523]]SN|22523]] was one of the earliest species described (by Masson at the end of the eighteenth century) which was lost to cultivation for over 120 years before rediscovery in Cape Province.
    Stems: 5-7 cm high, deflexed or creeping to upright, 12-18 mm thick, acutely 4–5-angled, glabrous, green, glaucous. Ribs with acute deltoid slightly recurved teeth 2-3 mm long.
    Flowers: 1–5 together near the base of the young stems, developing successively, facing upwards. Pedicels rather slender, 12-30 mm long, glabrous. Sepals 5-7 mm long, lanceolate-subulate, glabrous. Corolla flat-topped and 5-angled in bud, with 5 short incurved teeth at the angles and five prominent ribs radiating from the short central point, 2-3.5 cm across when expanded. Tube campanulate or subglobose-campanulate, slightly constricted at the mouth marked with transverse lines, basally slightly rugose around the corona. Limb saucer-shaped, lobed to half-way, spreading very abruptly from the tube and raised into a very conspicuous broad convex annulus around its mouth, with ascending-spreading lobes, 8-10 mm long and broad, deltoid, acuminate with a finely papillous edge; outside greenish, smooth and glabrous; inner face with some scattered fleshy spine-like processes, stiff, sometimes clavate (not hairs) 0.5-1 mm long at the throat of the tube and around its mouth upon the otherwise smooth ring, minutely papillate on the rest of the limb and lobes, white to yellow, stippled or dotted with maroon to crimson to the tips of the lobes (becoming confluent on the annulus). Corona 4.5 - 5.5 x 6 - 8 mm. Outer corona divided into 5 pairs of narrow acute teeth nearly 2 mm long, notched to incised or elongate and deeply bifid with variable colours, usually light pinkish or whitish with purple margins to the teeth and a blackish ring at the base around the staminal column, enlarging into 5 rounded spots opposite the pairs of teeth. Inner corona-lobes mostly cream-coloured with maroon markings, apically dark,about 3 mm long, subulate, acute, connivent at the lower part over the style-apex, then rather abruptly spreading, with up-curved tips, apparently yellow often with nectar droplets. Pollinia yellow, germination mouth region brown.




    Huernia guttata (llifle.com)



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