
  • Huernia zebrina var. magniflora E.Phillips
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 15. 16:29

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Huernia zebrinaSN|21240]]SN|21240]] subs. magniflora occurs throughout the Limpopo catchment area in the Northcm Province, in Zimbabwe and in Namibia.
    Altitudes: It occurs at low altitudes.
    Habitat: Open dry scrubland, in stony areas, often in calcrete or hard loamy soils.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Owl eyes, Zebra-stripped Huernia, Carrion flower, Lifebuoy Huernia


    Description: Huernia zebrinaSN|21240]]SN|21240]] subs. magniflora is a more xerophytic form distingushed from subs. zebrina by its flowers that are are twice the size of those of the typical subspecies, up to 85 mm across, and for the 4-angled stems which are taller, irregularly branching and not mat-forming. It is one of the most beautifully flowering huernias and very popular in cultivation for its odd blooms. It has a raised, glossy, wine-red ring or 'annulus' around the mouth of the corolla tube. The corolla varies in size and is usually patterned with wine-red zebra stripes which vary conspicuously in colour intensity. The blooms are also very shiny and may look like plastic, but it's for real. One of the so-called “lifebuoy” huernias because of the glossy raised annulus.
    Notes: In more recent literature subs. magniflora is generally no longer considered taxonomically distinct from subs. zebrina (eg. Bruyns 2005) because at many places intermediate populations can be found. A definite population consists of a collection of variable forms.
    Stems: Deflexed-decumbent or decumbent-erect, laxly branched, tapering, prominently 4- (to 5-) angled, and irregularly branching, up to 8 cm long,12 mm in diameter and strongly toothed. Teeth 4,5 mm long.
    Inflorescence: Few-flowered on a 12- 14 mm long peduncle.
    Flowers: The flower is anything up to 8,5 cm (usually 6-7 cm) in diameter, star-shaped, the prominent shiny annulus is glossy red to purple-brown, marked or unmarked, the 5 corolla lobes are acuminate, greenish-yellow with red to purple cross-zebra-stripes; both sides glabrous. As with other plants of the genus, H. zebrina has a small intermediate lobe. Sepals 6-8 mm. Frequently the flowers are larger than the plant itself and emit the smell of carrion. The rotting flesh odour attracts flies who transfer the pollen as they search from flower to flower for the non-existent rotting meat.


    Huernia zebrina var. magniflora (llifle.com)



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