
  • Ceropegia stapeliiformis Haw.
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2024. 10. 14. 20:46

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: South Africa and Swaziland only S of 31° S (Uitenhage and Willowmore to Graaff Reinet and King William's Town)
    Habitat: Ceropegia stapeliiformisSN|22160]]SN|22160]] is usually found rooted in leaf mould under the protection of shrubs. The vegetative parts of the plant are very well camouflaged in their habitat, and the plants are quite difficult to spot, even when flowering.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Slangkamoo, Slangkambroo, Slangkambro, Snake creeper, Serpent Ceropegia
    SPANISH (Español): Serpiente enredadera, Ceropegia serpiente


    Description: Ceropegia stapeliiformisSN|22160]]SN|22160]] is a most curious flowering plant with stems very much resemblimg those of a Stapelia but they grow much longer. The flowers are very singular with the corolla cut into five segments free-spreading, reflexed and fringed with hairs.
    Habit: It is a low growing succulent species creeping, scrambling or occasionally twining. It has either climbing stems, thin and more than one metre long, especially in the case of plants grown in a warm and moist atmosphere (green-houses), or short, gnarled stems, about 20 cm long, creeping on the surface or burrowing into the ground.
    Stem: 1-1,8 cm thick near the base, tapering toward the tip, up to 1,5 m long, very succulent, full of a clear milky juice, rounded, glabrous, of a dark lurid green colour, often striped or blotched with red-brown, slightly glossy, glabrous, marked with with prominent tubercles. The creeping stems can take root, leaving older parts behind to wither and die.
    Leaves: Rudimentary and ephemeral at the growing tips only, represented by minute triangular to cordate scales with robust milky-cloudy stipular glands.
    Roots: Fibrous which develop adventitiously where the stems touch the ground.
    Flowers: One to two (occasionally more), 5-7(-10) cm long and scarcely twining from the thin tapering ends of the shoots. Peduncle (2-)4-6(-20) mm long, thickened upwards. Pedicels 6-10 mm long; Sepals lanceolate 4 mm long. Corolla about 5-7 cm long with an ovoid base 6-7 mm wide and cut into five thin lobes. Lobes broadly triangular at the base the thin, 2-4 cm long, free, not attached at the tips, dark purple or brownish outside white and hairy within, curve backwards and the sides reflexed so that the upper side having the form of a sharp keel presenting a most singular appearance .Tube funnel-shaped, ± 3 mm in diameter, curved, swelling below, and constricted just above the base, greenish white much dappled with dull purple . Staminal crown with the exterior lobes short, erect, or slightly patent, emarginate, inner elongated, erecto-connivent, filiform.The buds have an interesting structure greatly resembling slender lanterns.
    Blooming season: Spring to early summer. The fragile blooms last for several days on the plant. It blooms when the vine reaches about 60 cm in length.
    Fruits: Typical twin seed horns (follicles), grey-green, erect, broadly fusiform, about 10 cm long with tubercles.



    Ceropegia stapeliiformis (llifle.com)


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